Astrobiology Science News 8 October 2010
- Titan’s haze may hold ingredients for life, University of Arizona
- Water discovered on second asteroid, may be even more common
- Enceladus May Keep Oceans Liquid with Wobble, NASA
- Powerful supercomputer peers into the origin of life, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- NASA Symposium Marks 50-Year-Search for Signs of Life in Universe, NASA
- Atmospheric circulation of tidally-locked exoplanets: a suite of benchmark tests for dynamical solvers, astro-ph
- Orbital Orientations of Exoplanets: HAT-P-4b is Prograde and HAT-P-14b is Retrograde, astro-ph
- A Spitzer/IRS spectral study of a sample of galactic carbon-rich proto-planetary nebulae, astro-ph
- A numerical simulation of a “super-Earth” core delivery from ~ 100 AU to ~ 8 AU, astro-ph
- Interaction of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen with Tholin Surfaces at Low Temperatures, astro-ph