NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,130 3 January 2025 (Space Life Science Research Results)

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Papers deriving from NASA support:
- Walle M, Gabel L, Whittier DE, Liphardt AM, Hulme PA, Heer M, Zwart SR, Smith SM, Sibonga JD, Boyd SK.Tracking of spaceflight-induced bone remodeling reveals a limited timeframe for recovery of resorption sites in humans.Sci Adv. 2024 Dec 20;10(51):eadq3632.Note: ISS results. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 11.7
Funding: “This study was supported by the Canadian Space Agency (contract no 9F053-120605-Concept Definition and no. 9F008-140715-Operational Support, PI: S.K.B.) M.W. and L.G. were supported by Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Postgraduate Fellowships. The biomarker data were shared from the Biochemistry Profile project, which was funded by the NASA Human Research Program’s Human Health Countermeasures Element.” - Brawley HN, Smith SM, Zwart SR.Spaceflight precision nutrition.In: Krittanawong C, ed. Precision Medicine for Long and Safe Permanence of Humans in Space. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2025. p. 47-55.PI: S.M. SmithFunding: NASA Task Book project “Astronaut Vision Issues and One Carbon Metabolism: Expanded Polymorphism Evaluation and Evaluation in a Potential Analog Population.”
- Smith SM, Zwart SR.Space nutrition.In: Tucker KL, Duggan CP, Jensen GL, Peterson KE, Ross AC, Touger-Decker R, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 12th Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett; 2024.PI: S.M. SmithFunding: NASA Task Book project “Astronaut Vision Issues and One Carbon Metabolism: Expanded Polymorphism Evaluation and Evaluation in a Potential Analog Population.”
- Steller JG, Blue RS, Ronca AE, Goodspeed A, Powell TL, Jansson T.Impact of near continuous low dose rate neutron irradiation on pregnancy outcomes in mice.npj Microgravity. 2024 Dec 19;10(1):113.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.1
Funding: A.E. Ronca is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center. - Straume T, Mora AM, Brown JB, Bansal I, Rabin BM, Braby LA, Wyrobek AJ.Non-DNA radiosensitive targets that initiate persistent behavioral deficits in rats exposed to space radiation.Life Sci Space Res. 2024 Dec 23. Online ahead of print.PIs: J.B. Brown, B.M. Rabin, A.J. WyrobekJournal Impact Factor: 2.9
Funding: “This work was supported in part by NASA under Grants 80JSC019T0007 to AJW and 80JSC019T0025 to AJW, and performed in part under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. The original rat radiation behavior data used in this project were generated in multiple published studies by Dr. Rabin under NASA funding.” - Bakshi A, Gilroy S.Calcium signaling in hypoxic response.Plant Physiol. 2024 Dec 21. Online ahead of print.PI: S. GilroyNote: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 7.6
Funding: “Supported by NASA 80NSSC21K0577, 80NSSC19K0126 and NSF MCB2016177.” - Stone T, Clark TK, Temple DR.Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation induces stochastic resonance in vestibular perceptual thresholds assessed efficiently using confidence reports.Exp Brain Res. 2024 Dec 24;243(1):34.PI: D.R. TempleJournal Impact Factor: 1.7
Funding: “This work was supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A.” - Teitelbaum CS, Ferraz A, De La Cruz SEW, Gilmour ME, Brosnan IG.The potential of remote sensing for improved infectious disease ecology research and practice.Proc Biol Sci. 2024 Dec 18;291(2037):20241712. Review.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.8
Funding: C.S. Teitelbaum, M.E. Gilmour, and I.G. Brosnan are affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center. A. Ferraz is affliliated with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. - Zhang YE, Chen J, Sun L, Hu B, Politowicz MS, Chancey ET.Task-allocation decisions of human-UAS collaboration: Effects of workload, trust, and self-confidence.Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet. 2024 Sep;68(1):841-2.Note: From the abstract: “Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) show promise in urban air transport, package delivery, and emergency services. UAS efficiency can be significantly improved by having multiple operators (m) managing a greater number of vehicles (N), or the m:N architecture of operation. The current study investigates how workload affects operators’ task-allocation decision-making and the potential mediating effects of two crucial human factors, trust, and self-confidence.”
Journal Impact Factor: 3.598
Funding: “The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project is funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under grant # 80NSSC23M0219.”
Other papers of interest:
- Hu Y, Lin Y, Cheng L, Xu Y, Zhang J, Zheng Z, Wang H, Yan M, Chen H.Hypothesis on the outflow of optic nerve cerebrospinal fluid in spaceflight associated neuro ocular syndrome.npj Microgravity. 2024 Dec 19;10:112. Review.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Garaszczuk IK, Komorowska K, Rusnak MA.The impact of space habitat conditions on visual performance and cognitive load in analogue astronauts.Acta Astronaut. 2025 Mar;228:664-74.Note: From the abstract: “Analogue astronauts in simulated space habitats face specific environmental conditions, including limited space, controlled airflow, and artificial lighting, which can lead to visual strain and mental fatigue. This study investigates the impact of such conditions on visual performance and cognitive load using mobile eye tracking during a two-week simulated mission in the LunAres Analogue Space Habitat.”
- Ashiq M, Honnutagi SB, Hosamani R, B. DR, Swamy BK, Sathasivam M, Bagewadi B, Reddy UG, Hanamaratti NG.Influence of hypergravity on root growth phenotype and physio-biochemical parameters in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.).Gravit Space Res. 2024 Dec 30;12(1):177-97.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Tennin, KL, Cinelli I, editors.Innovations and Challenges in Space Medicine and Healthcare.IGI Global, 2025. 418 p.
- Kumar R, Waisberg E, Ong J, Chima K, Amiri D, Tavakkoli A.Enhancing autonomous AI diagnostics for neuro-ocular health in space missions.Life Sci Space Res. 2024 Dec 25. Online ahead of print.
- Wang A, Yang J, Tang S, Cui Y, Zhao J, Wang J, Li X, Zhao Y, Wang G, Du J.Aerospace medicine in China: Advancements and perspectives.npj Microgravity. 2024 Dec 19;10:111.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Zhai Y, Zhang Y, Xu K, Wang T, Zhiqun B, Qu L, Wu F, Hu Z, Chang X, Li H, Zhang C, Li C, Shi C.Cordycepin ameliorates spaceflight-induced osteoporosis by preventing BMSCs oxidative stress and senescence via interacting with PI3K p110α and regulating PI3K/Akt/FOXO3 signaling.Free Radic Biol Med. 2025 Feb 16;228;108-25.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Wu Z, Hu L, Zhang W, Ru K, Xu X, Liu S, Liu H, Jia Y, Chen Z, Qian A.Fisetin enhances osteoblast differentiation and bone formation under simulated microgravity.Acta Astronaut. 2025 Mar;228:724-39.
- Cucinotta FA.Modeling clustered DNA damage by ionizing radiation using multinomial damage probabilities and energy imparted spectra.Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Nov 22;25(23).Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Molecular Computational Methods for Studying the Effects of Radiation on Human Beings” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Soni A, Beisser D, Mladenov E, Höller M, Wohlers I, Nikolov V, Magin S, Mussfeldt T, Klein-Hitpass L, Cornforth MN, Loucas BD, Rahmann S, Iliakis G.NGS detects extensive genomic alterations in survivors of irradiated normal human fibroblast cells.Radiat Res. 2024 Dec 27. Online ahead of print.
- Ding D, Tian R, Yang X, Ren Z, Jing ZC, Wu XT, Sun LW.The impact of ciliary length on the mechanical response of osteocytes to fluid shear stress.Nitric Oxide. 2024 Dec 27. Online ahead of print.
- Babcock L, Brawley H, van Nispen C, Rall J, Jaramillo J, Rubal M, Nowadly C.Quantifying the volume of residual air in commercial intravenous fluids and assessing the stability of airless intravenous fluid containers.Mil Med. 2024 Dec 2.Note: From the abstract: “Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) intravenous fluid (IVF) containers contain residual air, introducing the risk of venous air embolism (VAE). Venous air embolism occurs when air displaces blood flow in vasculature. The danger from residual air is often negligible in terrestrial settings, where gravitational forces generate buoyancy, pushing residual air to the top of the IVF container. However, in microgravity there is no buoyancy to separate liquid and gas layers. We performed experiments to quantify the amount of air in COTS IVF containers (Experiment 1) and identify the variables that affect the stability of sterilely produced airless containers (Experiment 2).”
- Landim-Vieira M, Nieto Morales P, ElSafty S, Rahimi Kahmini A, Ranek MJ, Solís C.The role of mechanosignaling in the control of myocardial mass.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2024 Dec 31. Review. Online ahead of print.Note: From the abstract: “Regulation of myocardial mass is key for maintaining cardiovascular health. This review highlights the complex and regulatory relationship between mechanosignaling and myocardial mass, influenced by many internal and external factors including hemodynamic and microgravity, respectively.”
- Schneider S.Beneficiaries of the NewSpace age: Governance by acknowledging the benefits to all humankind.Acta Astronaut. 2024 Dec 31. Online ahead of printNote: From the abstract: “Among the fundamental principles of outer space law is that space be for the benefit of all. This paper demonstrates how the economic implications of this principle are often overlooked, leading to missed opportunities in its interpretation.”
Astrobiology, space biology, space biomedicine, microgravity,