Astrobiologist Dale Andersen Antarctic Status Report 1 November 2019: Traversing To Untersee On Sunday
We are almost ready to head to Lake Untersee, the traverse sleds are 90% packed and ready to go, we just have a few more details to attend to tomorrow.
Last night and the first half of today we had 45 knot winds so not much was done until after 2pm, today but the winds have abated, skes have cleared and it looks like the weather will be pretty good the next few days, so at this point we plan to depart Novo for Untersee Sunday morning.
Everything is fine and we are keen to get started. The mechanics here have looked over our snowmobiles, the diving hole melter is repaired and if the compressor is ok (it is warming up now, and I will fire it up tomorrow to check it out) we will be ready to hit the road.