NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,112 9 August 2024 (Space Life Science Research Results)

Space Biology — NASA
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Papers deriving from NASA support:
- Mao XW, Pecaut M, Stanbouly S, Nelson G.Oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and the blood-brain barrier biomarkers on the brain response to spaceflight.Life Sci Space Res. 2024 Aug 8. Online ahead of print.PIs: X.W. Mao, M. PecautNote: From the abstract: “This paper reviews the literature on biomarkers associated with inflammation- and oxidative stress-mediated responses, BBB [blood-brain barrier] integrity breakdown, and vascular dysfunction in both human and animal models exposed to the spaceflight environment.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2.9
Funding: “This project was supported by NASA Space Biology grant # NNX15AB41G, NASA 80NSSC18K0310, and LLU Department of Basic Sciences.” - Tahimic CGT, Steczina S, Sebastian A, Hum NR, Abegaz M, Terada M, Cimini M, Goukassian DA, Schreurs A-S, Hoban-Higgins TM, Fuller CA, Loots GG, Globus RK, Shirazi-Fard Y.Simulated microgravity alters gene regulation linked to immunity and cardiovascular disease.Genes. 2024 Jul 24;15(8):975.PI: C.A. FullerNote: Hindlimb unloading study. This article is part of Topic “Animal Models of Human Disease 2.0” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 2.8
Funding: This work was funded by grants from the NASA Human Research Program Human Health Countermeasures (HRP HHC) NNJ14ZSA001N-FLAGSHIP and NNJ13ZSA002N-FLAGSHIP (both to R.K.G.) and NNX13AD94G to C.A.F. A. Schreurs and M.T. were supported by fellowships from the NASA Space Biology Postdoctoral Program (NPP). Work by G.G.L., N.R.H., and A. Sebastian were performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.” - Li N, Phuyal S, Smits E, Reid FE, Tamgue EN, Arriaga PA, Britten RA.Exposure to low (10cGy) doses of 4He ions leads to an apparent increase in risk taking propensity in female rats.Behav Brain Res. 2024 Aug 6;115182.PI: R.A. BrittenNote: From the abstract: “The planned missions to the Moon and Mars will present more significant health challenges to astronauts compared to low earth orbit missions. During deep space missions, astronauts will be constantly exposed to Space radiation (SR). Multiple rodent studies suggest that < 25 cGy of SR impairs performance in executive functions, which play a key role in advanced cognitive processes, but also regulate response inhibition and impulse control. There is the possibility that SR exposure may exacerbate aberrant behaviors evoked by psychological stress related to exposure to isolated and confined (ICE) hostile environment or independently induce additional aberrant behaviors.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2.6
Funding: “This work was supported by the NASA grant NNX14AE73G.” - Kumar K, Fornace AJ Jr, Suman S.8-OxodG: A potential biomarker for chronic oxidative stress induced by high-LET radiation.DNA. 2024 Aug 1;4(3):221-38.PIs: A.J. Fornace Jr, S. SumanNote: This article is part of Special Issue “Physics and Chemistry of Radiation Damage to DNA and Its Consequences” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This study was partly supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), grant # 80NSSC24K0287 (PI: Shubhankar Suman); Department of Defense office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), grant # HT94252410450 (PI: Shubhankar Suman); and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), grant # 80NSSC22K1279 (PI: Albert J. Fornace Jr.).” - Berneshawi AR, Seyedmadani K, Goel R, Anderson MR, Tyson TL, Akay YM, Akay M, Leung LB, Stone LS.Oculometric biomarkers of visuomotor deficits in clinically asymptomatic patients with systemic lupus erythematosus undergoing long-term hydroxychloroquine treatment.Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne). 2024 Jul 22;4:1354892.Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Retinal Biomarkers of Neurodegenerative Diseases” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This study was supported by Ames Research Center Innovation Fund (LS), NASA Human Research Program (LS), NIH National Eye Institute (P30-026877), and Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. (L-SL), NASA Grant 80NSSC19M0186 (KS), and NASA Ames Graduate Fellowship Award (TT).” - Wang E, Shuryak I, Brenner DJ.A competing risks machine learning study of neutron dose, fractionation, age, and sex effects on mortality in 21,000 mice.Sci Rep. 2024 Aug 2;14:17974.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.8
Funding: “This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, grant #80NSSC23M0099) and Columbia University.” - Khalid M, Fernández Castillo G, Salas E.Applying the science of social and organizational psychology to HCI.In: Foundations and Fundamentals in Human-Computer Interaction. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2024.Funding: “This work was partially supported by the U.S. Army Research Institute (ARI) for the Behavioral and Social Sciences and was accomplished under Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-19-2-0173. This work was also partially supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Grant NNX16AP96G to Rice University, as well as NASA Grant NNX17AB55G to Rice University via Johns Hopkins University (Michael Rosen, P.I.).”
Other papers of interest:
- Zhou M, Ferl RJ, Paul A-L.Light has a principal role in the Arabidopsis transcriptomic response to the spaceflight environment.npj Microgravity. 2024 Aug 6;10:82.Note: ISS results. This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Sampige R, Ong J, Waisberg E, Berdahl J, Lee AG.The ocular surface-gut axis in spaceflight: Implications of intestinal changes in microgravity on tear film physiology.J Clin Transl Ophthalmol. 2024 Jul 31;2(3):79-86.Note: This article is an opinion paper and may be obtained online without charge.
- Evans B.The human factor.In: The Spacelab Story: Science Aboard the Shuttle. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2024. p. 353-99.
- Sil M, Mitra D, Mukherjee N, Gadani M, Chatterjee A, Sharma P, Goswami A.Therapeutic role of probiotics in gut-brain axis under microgravity.Indian J Microbiol. 2024 Jun 4. Review.
- Willis CRG, Calvaruso M, Angeloni D, Baatout S, Benchoua A, Bereiter-Hahn J, Bottai D, Buchheim JI, Carnero-Diaz E, Castiglioni S, Cavalieri D, Ceccarelli G, Chouker A, Cialdai F, Ciofani G, Coppola G, Cusella G, Degl’Innocenti A, Desaphy JF, Frippiat JP, Gelinsky M, Genchi G, Grano M, Grimm D, Guignandon A, Herranz R, Hellweg C, Iorio CS, Karapantsios T, van Loon J, Lulli M, Maier J, Malda J, Mamaca E, Morbidelli L, Osterman A, Ovsianikov A, Pampaloni F, Pavezlorie E, Pereda-Campos V, Przybyla C, Rettberg P, Rizzo AM, Robson-Brown K, Rossi L, Russo G, Salvetti A, Risaliti C, Santucci D, Sperl M, Tabury K, Tavella S, Thielemann C, Willaert R, Monici M, Szewczyk NJ.How to obtain an integrated picture of the molecular networks involved in adaptation to microgravity in different biological systems?npj Microgravity. 2024 May 1;10:50. Review.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Wostyn P, Nedergaard M.The potential influence of sleep on translaminar pressure dynamics and ocular glymphatic outflow in microgravity: Implications for optic disc edema in astronauts.Eye (Lond). 2024 Jul 30.Note: This article is a correspondence.
- Zhao Y, Li Y, Jiang A, Zhang H, She H, Zhan W.Effects of visual and auditory instructions on space station procedural tasks.Space: Science & Technology. 2024 May 9;4:0130.Note: From the abstract: “In order to compare the effects of visual and auditory instructions on the crew when guiding astronauts to complete the procedural tasks in the space station, in this study, subjects were recruited to complete the programmed task of starting from the node module, locating the scientific cabinet and spectrometer, and finally operating the orbital replaceable unit on the spectrometer.”
- Soltani Z, Xu M, Radovitzky R, Stadelmann MA, Hackney D, Alkalay RN.CT-based finite element simulating spatial bone damage accumulation predicts metastatic human vertebrae strength and stiffness.Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2024 Jul 22;12:1424553.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Ma Y, Liu N, Shao X, Shi T, Lin J, Liu B, Shen T, Guo B, Jiang Q.Mechanical loading on osteocytes regulates thermogenesis homeostasis of brown adipose tissue by influencing osteocyte-derived exosomes.J Orthop Translat. 2024 Sep;48:39-52.Note: From the abstract: “Osteocytes are the main stress-sensing cells in bone. The substances secreted by osteocytes under mechanical loading play a crucial role in maintaining body homeostasis. Osteocytes have recently been found to release exosomes into the circulation, but whether they are affected by mechanical loading or participate in the regulation of systemic homeostasis remains unclear.”
- Debevec T, Longman DP, Bourgois JG.Defining adaptation within applied physiology – Is there room for improvement?Front Physiol. 2024 Aug 4;15:1459026.Note: This article is an opinion and may be obtained online without charge.
- Wang Y, Liu J, Yi Y, Zhu L, Liu M, Zhang Z, Xie Q, Jiang L.Insights into the synthesis, engineering, and functions of microbial pigments in Deinococcus bacteria.Front Microbiol. 2024 Jul 25;15:1447785. Review.Note: From the abstract: “In this study, we review the properties, biosynthetic pathways, and functions of key enzymes and genes related to these pigments and explore strategies for improving pigment production through gene editing and optimization of culture conditions. Additionally, studies have highlighted the unique role of these pigments in antioxidant activity and radiation resistance, particularly emphasizing the critical functions of deinoxanthin in D. radiodurans. In the future, Deinococcus bacterial pigments will have broad application prospects in the food industry, drug production, and space exploration, where they can serve as radiation indicators and natural antioxidants to protect astronauts’ health during long-term spaceflights.” This article is part of Research Topic “Extremophiles: Environmental Adaptation Mechanisms, Modification to Synthetic Biology, and Industrial Application” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Astrobiology, space life science, space biology, microgravity,