Astrobiologist Dale Andersen Antarctic Status Report 25 December 2021: Merry Christmas From Cape Town

Dale Andersen: “Merry Christmas to all from Cape Town, South Africa! My team and I returned from, Antarctica Thursday and are awaiting our next set of flights home on the 28th.”
“Our investigations at Untersee Oasis in the mountains of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica began with our team’s 125 km, 6 hour traverse across the icy, crevassed landscape using 4 BRP Lynx Commander snowmobiles and Siglin sleds.
Behind us a few hours was the Everest tracked vehicle with the majority of our supplies and cargo. In this image, Miles (back snowmobile) and I are taking a break about 75 km from the mountains in the distance. Our goal being the set of peaks surrounding Untersee Oasis seen just behind our helmets and a little to the left (east).”
Reports for this field season and several previous seasons prior to the hiatus due to the global pandemic
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: December 2021
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: November 2021
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: October 2021
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: December 2019
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: November 2019
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: October 2019
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: January 2018
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: February 2018
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: December 2017
– Dale Andersen’s Field Reports: November 2017
Keith Cowing: These updates in 1996 and 1997 were done directly by Dale Andersen while in Antarctica to a webserver in my condo in Reston, Virginia. As best we can tell this was one of the earliest – if not the first – website to be maintained from Antarctica.