Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships
The goal of the Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internship program is to provide promising undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to work in the area of civil space research policy in the nation’s capital, under the aegis of the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council’s (NAS/NRC’s) Space Studies Board (SSB).
Established in 1958 to serve as the focus of the interests and responsibilities in space research for the NAS/NRC, the SSB provides an independent, authoritative forum for information and advice on all aspects of space science and applications, and it serves as the focal point within the NAS/NRC for activities on space research. It oversees advisory studies (including the on-going decadal surveys in astronomy and astrophysics, planetary science, life and microgravity sciences, and solar and space physics) and program assessments, facilitates international research coordination, and promotes communications on space science and science policy between the research community, the federal government, and the interested public. The SSB also serves as the U.S. National Committee for the International Council for Science Committee on Space Research (COSPAR).
The Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships, named after the first chair of the SSB, are offered twice annually. The SSB is now accepting applications from undergraduate and graduate students for its autumn 2010 program. The deadline for applications is June 14, 2010. Successful candidates will be contacted no later than July 2, 2010.
Visit http://sites.nationalacademies.org/SSB/ssb_052239 to learn more about the program and to get application information. [Source: NAI Newsletter]