Formation, Composition and Early Evolution of Outer Giant and Dwarf Planets and of their Satellites
Date: December 6-7th, 2007
Time: TBA
Venue: NASA Ames Research Center, Auditorium, Building N-245, Mountain View, CA
Organizing Committee: Ignacio Mosqueira (NASA Ames/SETI Institute), Dale Cruikshank (NASA Ames) Owing to spacecraft missions and groundbased observations, we possess a wealth of Solar System data. The richness of the observations should provide a solid foundation for our understanding of the early history of the Solar System. Yet, this abundance also means that in practice one must subdivide the problem into more manageable pieces. While this is a practical approach, before reliable conclusions can be obtained in this way, they must survive consistency checks, and a battery of tests involving a sufficiently broad observational sample. Only then can we attain a deeper understanding of the origins of planetary systems in general, and the Solar System in particular.
The objective of this meeting is to address a number of key aspects of the early history of the outer Solar System. The emphasis is on the origin of the giant and dwarf planets and of their satellites, and on the connections and contrasts that exist between planetary and satellite systems. The aim is to bring together a diverse group of researchers employing independent sets of constraints. Discussion of laboratory work will be included when appropriate. Note: Please email Ignacio Mosqueira at [email protected] if you are interested in attending this meeting. For more information: [Source: NAI Newsletter]