Microbiology & Virology

Prevalence of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle in Chemolithoautotrophic Psychrophiles and the Potential for Cold-adapted Rubisco

By Keith Cowing
Status Report
August 3, 2024
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Prevalence of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham Cycle in Chemolithoautotrophic Psychrophiles and the Potential for Cold-adapted Rubisco
Rubisco form II structural differences between T. arctica UC1 and H. marinus. A) AlphaFold-generated [51,52] structures for H. marinus (transparent white) and T. arctica UC1 RbcII (dark blue) dimers aligned with ChimeraX [53]. Active sites colored red. Arrows point to the additional exposed active site residues in UC1 compared to H. marinus. The missing residues in UC1 at amino acid positions 78–82 (Fig. 4) are colored yellow on H. marinus structure (close44 up view in B). C) UC1 form II dimer with residue differences to H. marinus that confer a semi45 conservative or non-conservative change highlighted in orange.– biorxiv.org

The act of fixing inorganic carbon into the biosphere is largely facilitated by one enzyme, Rubisco. Beyond well-studied plants and cyanobacteria, many bacteria use Rubisco for chemolithoautotrophy in extreme environments on Earth.

Here, we characterized the diversity of chemolithoautotrophic Rubiscos in subzero environments. First, we surveyed subzero environments and found that the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle was the most prevalent chemolithoautotrophic pathway. Second, we uncovered potential for chemolithoautotrophy in metagenomes from two distinct subzero, hypersaline Arctic environments: 40-kyr relic marine brines encased within permafrost (cryopeg brines) and first-year sea ice.

Again, the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle was the dominant chemolithoautotrophic pathway in both environments, though with different Rubisco forms. From cryopeg brine, we reconstructed four metagenome-assembled genomes with the potential for chemolithoautotrophy, of which the sulfur-oxidizing genus Thiomicrorhabdus was most abundant.

A broader survey of Thiomicrorhabdus genomes from diverse environments identified a core complement of three Rubisco forms (II, IAc, IAq) with distinct patterns of gain and loss. We developed a model framework and compared these different Rubisco forms across [CO2], [O2], and temperature. We found that form II outcompetes form I at low O2, but cold temperatures minimize this advantage.

However, further inspection of form II from cold environments uncovered signals of thermal adaptation of key amino acids which resulted in a more exposed active site. These modifications suggest that these form II Rubisco proteins may have unique kinetics or thermal stability. This work can help address the limits of autotrophic functionality in extreme environments on Earth and other planetary bodies.

Kaitlin Harrison, Josephine Z Rapp, Alexander L Jaffe, Jody W Deming, Jodi Young

Prevalence of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle in chemolithoautotrophic psychrophiles and the potential for cold-adapted Rubisco, biorxiv.org


Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA Space Station Payload manager/space biologist, Away Teams, Journalist, Lapsed climber, Synaesthete, Na’Vi-Jedi-Freman-Buddhist-mix, ASL, Devon Island and Everest Base Camp veteran, (he/him) 🖖🏻