Dune Avalanche Slopes With Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL)-like Streaks On Mars

These dunes have exhibited recurring slope lineae (RSL)-like streaks in a couple of previous images, but they do not seem to have been significant in 2013, when we obtained a full monitoring series.
With this observation, we can keep monitoring to understand this activity, which may help test the RSL-granular flow model for the streaks.
Editor’s Note: Recurring slope lineae (RSL) are enigmatic dark streaks on steep martian slopes that appear during the martian summer and disappear during the winter. RSL have been hypothesized to be flows, but whether they are flows of liquid water, brines, or dry sandy material (or all of these in different locations) is uncertain. [ Source: LPI https://www.lpi.usra.edu/planetary_news/2022/11/01/what-can-the-atmosphere-of-mars-tell-us-about-its-recurring-slope-lineae/)]
ID: ESP_074730_2070
date: 6 July 2022
altitude: 286 km
Astrobiology, Astrogeology