Open Source Science Data Repositories Workshop September 27 – 30
This is an open event that will be of interest to researchers, big data teams, and archivists at the Science Mission Directorate Data Repositories along with mission and community members working in these areas.
This workshop is a follow-on to the previous Data Repositories Workshop hosted at Glenn Research Center back in 2018. The September 2022 Data Repositories Workshop will cover the following primary themes:
Cloud Computing for Open Source Science
Science Discovery Engine (SDE) and data standards
Transform to Open Science (TOPS)
SMD policies and resources related to Open Science
One of the goals of the workshop is to encourage cross-disciplinary discussions. The workshop format will include an opportunity for each of the divisions to highlight the work of their data repositories along with “unconference” sessions determined by participant interest. More information will be forthcoming in June and posted at the Open Source Science Initiative website. Please feel free to share with others who would be interested.
The workshop is designed to be virtual with an in-person option at a location to be confirmed.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this event, please reach out to Steve Crawford at [email protected].