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Tricorder Tech: Laser-powered Device Tested On Earth Could Help Us Detect Microbial Fossils On Mars

By Keith Cowing
Status Report
March 10, 2025
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Tricorder Tech: Laser-powered Device Tested On Earth Could Help Us Detect Microbial Fossils On Mars
Sampled area and the grid of the analyzed area. (A) Optical image of the fossil filament. (B) Optical image of the filament after gold coating and LIMS campaign. (C) SEM image of laser ablation craters of the LIMS covering the fossil filament area, forming a grid of 17 × 25 craters. The direction of measurement is indicated with arrows. (D) SEM image of the area chosen for data analysis, forming a grid of 11 × 12 laser ablation craters. — Frontiers

The first life on Earth formed four billion years ago, as microbes living in pools and seas: what if the same thing happened on Mars? If it did, how would we prove it? Scientists hoping to identify fossil evidence of ancient Martian microbial life have now found a way to test their hypothesis, proving they can detect the fossils of microbes in gypsum samples that are a close analogy to sulfate rocks on Mars.

“Our findings provide a methodological framework for detecting biosignatures in Martian sulfate minerals, potentially guiding future Mars exploration missions,” said Youcef Sellam, PhD student at the Physics Institute, University of Bern, and first author of the article in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. “Our laser ablation ionization mass spectrometer, a spaceflight-prototype instrument, can effectively detect biosignatures in sulfate minerals. This technology could be integrated into future Mars rovers or landers for in-situ analysis.”

Water, water everywhere

Billions of years ago, the water on Mars dried up. Gypsum and other sulfates formed when pools evaporated, leaving behind minerals that precipitated out of the water – and potentially fossilizing any organic life left behind. This means that if microbes such as bacteria lived there, traces of their presence could be preserved as fossils.

“Gypsum has been widely detected on the Martian surface and is known for its exceptional fossilization potential,” explained Sellam. “It forms rapidly, trapping microorganisms before decomposition occurs, and preserves biological structures and chemical biosignatures.”

Schematic overview of the double pulse laser system. Schematic overview of the double pulse laser system and mass analyzer. (A) Laser system that provides a pulsed laser beam (λ = 775 nm, τ = 190 fs, rep. rate = 1 kHz, P = 1 W). (B) Harmonic generator unit that provide a laser beam (λ = 258 nm, P = 140 mW) after conversion. (C) First beam splitter. (D) Motorized attenuator for the first beam. (F) Retroreflector mounted on a linear translation stage. Variations in time delay between the two laser beams are controlled by the position of the retroreflector. (E) Second motorized attenuator for the second beam. (G) Fixed retroreflector for the second beam. (H) Second beam splitter to recombine the two laser beams. (I) Beam expander. (J) Doublet lens. (L) Mass analyzer. (K) Sample. — Frontiers

But to identify these microbial fossils we first need to prove we can identify similar fossils in places where we know such microbes existed — such as Mediterranean gypsum formations that developed during the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

“The Messinian Salinity Crisis occurred when the Mediterranean Sea was cut off from the Atlantic Ocean,” said Sellam. “This led to rapid evaporation, causing the sea to become hypersaline and depositing thick layers of evaporites, including gypsum. These deposits provide an excellent terrestrial analog for Martian sulfate deposits.”

The scientists selected an instrument that could be used on a spaceflight: a miniature laser-powered mass spectrometer, which can analyze the chemical composition of a sample in detail as fine as a micrometer. They sampled gypsum from Sidi Boutbal quarry, Algeria, and analyzed it using the mass spectrometer and an optical microscope, guided by criteria which can help distinguish between potential microbial fossils and natural rock formations. These include morphology which is irregular, sinuous, and potentially hollow, as well as the presence of chemical elements necessary for life, carbonaceous material, and minerals like clay or dolomite which can be influenced by the presence of bacteria.

Optical microscopy and SEM images and EDX spectra. Optical microscopy images, under transmitted plane-polarized light (A, B), reflected plane-polarized light (C, E, F), transmitted cross-polarized light (D, J, K). SEM images (G, H) and SEM-EDX spectrum (I) of permineralized filamentous microfossils within the turbid laminae. (A) Network of sinuous µm long filaments to mm long curved fossil filaments (white triangles), and 20–80 µm width. (B) Close-up image of fossil filament with two exposed sides showing the filament’s position to the crystal plane. (C) Image of hollow to partially hollow filament (black arrow). (E, F) Images show the offset of the gypsum-embedded fossil filament, contrasting with a secondary veinlet (black arrows). (D, J) Images showing high birefringence of the subspherical minerals. (K) Image of a fossil filament with black and opaque inclusions (white arrows). (G) SEM image of hollow filament marked in (A). Note the presence of an attached small hole on the right side of the fossil filament. (H) Magnification of the marked white rectangle in (G) showing the different mineral located in the inner layer of the hollow filament. (I) Comparison of EDX spectra of the fossil filament (blue and red) with the host EDX spectrum (yellow) (measured locations are indicated in (H)). (the three spectra were normalized to the 197Au cps/eV value). — Frontiers

Life on Mars?

The scientists identified long, twisting fossil filaments within the Algerian gypsum, which have previously been interpreted as benthic algae or cyanobacteria, and are now thought to be sulfur-oxidizing bacteria like Beggiatoa. These were embedded in gypsum, and surrounded by dolomite, clay minerals, and pyrite.

The presence of these minerals signals the presence of organic life, because prokaryotes — cells without a nucleus — supply elements which clay needs to form. They also facilitate dolomite formation in an acidic environment like Mars by increasing the alkalinity around them and concentrating ions in their cell envelopes. For dolomite to form within gypsum without the presence of organic life, high temperatures and pressures would be needed that would have dehydrated the gypsum, and which aren’t consistent with our knowledge of the Martian environment.

If mass spectrometers identify the presence of clay and dolomite in Martian gypsum in addition to other biosignatures, this could be a key signal of fossilized life, which could be reinforced by analyzing other chemical minerals present and by looking for similar organically formed filaments.

“While our findings strongly support the biogenicity of the fossil filament in gypsum, distinguishing true biosignatures from abiotic mineral formations remains a challenge,” cautioned Sellam. “An additional independent detection method would improve the confidence in life detection. Additionally, Mars has unique environmental conditions, which could affect biosignature preservation over geological periods. Further studies are needed.”

“This research is the first astrobiology study to involve Algeria and the first to use an Algerian terrestrial analog for Mars,” said Sellam. “As an Algerian researcher, I am incredibly proud to have introduced my country to the field of planetary science.

“This work is also dedicated to the memory of my father, who was a great source of strength and encouragement. Losing him during this research was one of the most difficult moments of my life. I hope that he is proud of what I have achieved.”

The search for ancient life on Mars using morphological and mass spectrometric analysis: an analog study in detecting microfossils in Messinian gypsum, Frontiers


Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA Space Station Payload manager/space biologist, Away Teams, Journalist, Lapsed climber, Synaesthete, Na’Vi-Jedi-Freman-Buddhist-mix, ASL, Devon Island and Everest Base Camp veteran, (he/him) 🖖🏻