Astrobiology (general)

NASA Seeks Partners for the Astrobiology Science Conference

By Keith Cowing
May 5, 2021
Filed under
NASA Seeks Partners for the Astrobiology Science Conference

The Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) is a community-organized conference that provides a forum for reporting on new discoveries, sharing data and insights, advancing collaborative efforts and initiating new ones, planning new projects, and educating the next generation of astrobiologists.

Over the past two decades, NASA has been involved with AbSciCon, including hosting the inaugural conference in 2000 at NASA Ames Research Center. AbSciCon has evolved from an event focused on approximately 100 NASA-funded researchers into a major outlet for over 1,000 members of the astrobiology community to share and exchange ideas with colleagues around the globe. NASA’s role in AbSciCon has evolved from being a host (e.g. lead organization), to being one supporting organization. NASA values this opportunity which advances the entire field of astrobiology and the work of our NASA-funded researchers. NASA has found that partnering with other organizations with similar interests and complementary goals in supporting the astrobiology community has been a successful way to respond and adapt to the needs of this diverse and growing community.

NASA is seeking­­ to partner with one or more private and/or non-profit educational, scientific, and/or research organization(s) on a nonreimbursable (no exchange of funds) basis to coordinate planning and logistics as well as shared responsibilities for program content for the Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) over the next five years. Those entities that can expand participation among astrobiology community members with disabilities and/or from underrepresented or historically minoritized groups are encouraged to apply. Proposals from non-U.S. entities will be considered along with proposals from U.S. entities. NASA is not seeking to partner under this AFP with entities primarily in the event planning or logistics business.

This request will be open for 60 days following the date of release of this announcement. Text of the announcement and the proposal submission site may be found on NSPIRES at All proposals must be received by July 7, 2021, to be considered.

Inquiries must be submitted by email to:

Rebecca McCauley Rench
NASA Headquarters
Email: [email protected]

Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA Space Station Payload manager/space biologist, Away Teams, Journalist, Lapsed climber, Synaesthete, Na’Vi-Jedi-Freman-Buddhist-mix, ASL, Devon Island and Everest Base Camp veteran, (he/him) 🖖🏻