Assistant Professor Opportunity in Isotope Geochemistry at ASU
Application deadline is 1 December 2012
The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in isotope geochemistry with a specialization in igneous or metamorphic processes and the ability to teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses in both fields to begin August 2013.
Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in geological sciences. Additional required qualifications include: 1) a record of research and published scholarship in isotope geochemistry and/or geochronology, 2) capability for quality undergraduate and graduate teaching, 3) research interests complementary to existing strengths in cosmochemistry, low-temperature isotope geochemistry, and noble gas geochemistry and geochronology, and 4) expertise in radiogenic isotope geochemistry. Desired qualifications include: 1) a research focus on terrestrial materials and 2) a deep understanding of the connection between isotopic data and the nature of the samples analyzed.
ASU contains an extensive geochemical infrastructure, including multi-collector ICPMS, isotope ratio-MS, He- & Ar-MS, and secondary ion-MS as well as a new FEG electron probe. Diamond cell, multi-anvil cell, and piston cylinder high-pressure devices, state of the art high-resolution transmission electron microscopes, and tandem accelerator analytical capabilities are also available at ASU. Cleanroom laboratory space in a state-of-the-art research building is also available to support new analytical equipment. In addition to isotope geochemistry, related current research at SESE and its collaborating departments includes studies in cosmochemistry, astrobiology and geobiology, metamorphic, igneous, and mantle petrology, volcanology, surface processes, tectonics, and high-pressure mineral physics. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, conduct publishable research, and participate in unit, university, and professional service as appropriate with rank.
Applications should include: 1) a letter outlining research program, teaching philosophy, and how the applicant’s experience fits the area(s) of expertise listed above; 2) a current CV; and 3) the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. All materials should be submitted electronically, in PDF format, to [email protected]
Application deadline is 1 December 2012; if not filled, reviews will continue weekly until search is closed. Arizona State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.