Student Mentors Needed
The InSPIRESS program at the University of Alabama-Huntsville is a spin-off of the highly successful JPL Planetary Science Summer School. InSPIRESS serves both high school and undergraduate students; science mentors are needed for the high school track only.
Since this coming school year’s project will be to plan a mission to Titan, the program is seeking Titan scientists to mentor the 22 high school teams who will be participating in InSPIRESS. Following are details on the commitment:
* Two to three sessions with the student teams, about 30 minutes/week for a few weeks. Skype can be used, and/or email exchanges and phone calls. Science mentors are needed for the first two months of school (late August and into September) and then again in January/February with the new semester.
* Mentoring entails discussing a proper Titan science question and how to answer it. If the mentors wish to be more involved, that is most appreciated, but not required. An InSPIRESS Mentor Briefing document is available upon request.
Interested? Please contact
Michael “P.J.” Benfield by Friday, August 19 at the latest.
Michael P.J. Benfield, Ph.D.
Deputy Center Director, Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
(256) 824-2976