41st SASS-FEE Advanced Course "From Planets to Life"
From the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy 41st Saas-Fee Advanced Course “From Planets to Life” 3-9 April 2011, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
This astrobiology course consists of 28 lectures organized in three parts as follow:
– Astrophysical conditions for development of life Prof. Jonathan Lunine (University of Arizona)
– Earth geology and climatology history Prof. James Kasting (Pennsylvania State University)
– Origin and critical steps of life development on Earth
Prof. John Baross (University of Washington) In addition to the formal course, the setting of this event provides ample time for informal discussions during the meals and other social events. are approaching our maximum hosting capacity, however, we can still accommodate for about a dozen additional participants. The regular registration deadline is JANUARY 28th, 2011. After this date the registration fee will raise from CHF450.- to CHF500.-. For more information please visit: http://www.isdc.unige.ch/sf2011/
We look forward to seeing you soon, Pierre Dubath, for the organizing committee
[Source: Planetary Science Institute]