Astrobiology Science News 25 February 2008
- Rayleigh scattering in the transit spectrum of HD 189733b, astro-ph
- A coagulation-fragmentation model for the turbulent growth and destruction of preplanetesimals, astro-ph
- Tribute to Paul C. Lauterbur, Astrobiology
- The Spontaneous Development of Biology from Chemistry, Astrobiology
- Superluminous Supernovae: No Threat from n Carinae, Astrobiology
- Microbial Rock Inhabitants Survive Hypervelocity Impacts on Mars-Like Host Planets: First Phase of Lithopanspermia Experimentally Tested Astrobiology, Astrobiology
- Acetylene as Fast Food: Implications for Development of Life on Anoxic Primordial Earth and in the Outer Solar System, Astrobiology
- Formaldehyde in the Far Outer Galaxy: Constraining the Outer Boundary of the Galactic Habitable Zone, Astrobiology
- Control of Lunar and Martian Dust–Experimental Insights from Artificial and Natural Cyanobacterial and Algal Crusts in the Desert of Inner Mongolia, China, Astrobiology
- Subsurface Filamentous Fabrics: An Evaluation of Origins Based on Morphological and Geochemical Criteria, with Implications for Exopaleontology, Astrobiology
- Identification of Morphological Biosignatures in Martian Analogue Field Specimens Using In Situ Planetary Instrumentation, Astrobiology
- Some Ecological Mechanisms to Generate Habitability in Planetary Subsurface Areas by Chemolithotrophic Communities: The Rio Tinto Subsurface Ecosystem as a Model System, Astrobiology
- Implications of an Anthropic Model of Evolution for Emergence of Complex Life and Intelligence, Astrobiology
- Cyanobacterial Emergence at 2.8 Gya and Greenhouse Feedbacks, Astrobiology