Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) 2008 Call for Session Topic Proposals
The Science Steering Committee of the 2008 Astrobiology Science Conference (April 15-17, Santa Clara, California, USA) invites proposals for sessions related to the major scientific themes: “The Astronomical and Planetary Context for Life”, “The Origin and Evolution of Life”, and “The Search for Life in our Solar System and Beyond”.
Proposals can be submitted via the conference website ( and should include: (i) a one- to two-paragraph formal description of the session topic suitable for publication in a call for abstracts and (ii) (optional) an accessory statement that adds any other pertinent information for consideration by the conference organizers. Proposers are also asked to identify, if possible, the meeting theme with which the proposed session most closely aligns (desirable but not required).
In keeping with the overarching goals of the meeting, the SSC particularly encourages proposed session topics that address one or more of the following goals: (i) integrate multiple scientific disciplines, (ii) highlight the astrobiological relevance or work of disciplines and communities that are yet to be deeply engaged in astrobiology, (iii) explore emerging research areas of relevance to astrobiology, (iv) consider communication, education, outreach and advocacy in the context of astrobiology.
Proposers of selected session topics will be expected to assume responsibility for organization of the proposed session, to include review of abstracts, recruitment of invited speakers (if desired), scheduling of talks within the session, and arrangement for session chair(s).
The deadline for submission of session topic proposals is July 23, 2007.
Questions can be addressed to: [email protected].