Space Science Update
Comments by NAS Space Studies Board Chair Lennard Fisk, NAS
“There is consternation these days between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its external science community. In August, three senior science advisors were dismissed from the NASA Advisory Council (NAC). In the aftermath, the Administrator of NASA, Mike Griffin, through correspondence with the NAC and its science subcommittees and through a major speech at the Goddard Space Flight Center, clarified how NASA will manage its science program, and the role of the science community.”
– A Review of NASA’s 2006 Draft Science Plan: Letter Report, NAS
– Science and NASA – Speech by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin
– 21 August 2006 Email from Mike Griffin to NASA Advisory Council Members
– Memo From NASA Advisory Council Chair Schmitt Regarding 3 NAC Resignations
– What Mike Griffin *Really* Thinks About NRC’s Space Station Report
“I’ve read the report, and there is not much good in it for us. Not surprising, however, coming from Len Fisk … The kind of criticism we’re receiving in connection with the ISS, in the report Trish references, needs to be addressed for ISS, and needs to be “headed off at the pass” for the Moon.”