ROSES-06 Update (2)
ROSES-06 Amendment No. 12: Due date delay for PLANETARY INSTRUMENT DEFINITION AND DEVELOPMENT 2006 -The proposal due date for proposals to the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development program (PIDDP) described in Appendix C.17 of the NASA Research Announcement (NRA) entitled “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2006”, NNH06ZDA001N, released January 23, 2006, have been changed. The due date for PIDDP proposals is changed from August 18, 2006, to September 27, 2006.
This change is made in anticipation of the announcement of selections from the 2005 solicitation for the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development program being made prior to September 1, 2006.
Further information about this Program Element is available from Dr. Marilyn Lindstrom, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001; Telephone: (202) 358-1254; E-mail: [email protected] [Source NAI Newsletter]