Rocky Worlds 4 Conference

We would like to announce the Rocky Worlds 4 Conference to be held in Groningen, Netherlands, from 19-23 January 2026:
Applying the detailed empirical understanding gleaned from the terrestrial planets of our own Solar System is crucial in our interpretation of exoplanetary systems.
With the ongoing and upcoming surveys to search for small planets around nearby stars, we can anticipate huge growth in the number and information on detected rocky exoplanets in the coming decades.
As the characterisation of these new planetary systems proceeds it will in turn improve understanding of our own Solar System, and in particular of how potentially habitable Earth-like planets form, evolve, and are distributed throughout the galaxy.
The Rocky Worlds Meeting Series brings together planetary scientists, astronomers, and earth scientists to foster discussion and build the collaborations that will pave the way for the next frontiers of rocky exoplanet discovery and characterisation.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
- Hannah Diamond-Lowe (STScI) – Atmospheres
- Lena Noack (FU Berlin) – Astrobiology
- Charles-Édouard Boukaré (York University) – Interiors
- Heike Rauer (DLR Berlin) – Instrumentation
- Mariana Sanchez (Leiden University) – Formation: astronomical perspective
- Damanveer Grewal (Yale) – Formation: geochemical perspective
Tim Lichtenberg, Yamila Miguel, Oliver Shorttle, Amy Bonsor, Inga Kamp, Quentin Changeat, Inge Loes ten Kate, Floris van der Tak, Wim van Westrenen, Nienke van der Marel, Ignas Snellen, Jean-Michel Desert, Michiel Min, Stephanie Cazaux
Abstract and Registration Timeline:
- 1 Jun 2025: Abstract submission opens
- 1 Sep 2025: Registration opens
- 14 Sep 2025: Abstract submission deadline
- Oct 2025: Programme announcement
- 14 Nov 2025: Early-bird registration deadline
- 14 Dec 2025: Registration deadline
- 19-23 Jan 2026: Rocky Worlds 4 in Groningen
Please subscribe to if you want to stay informed about conference announcements. We look forward to welcoming you to Groningen in 2026!