How Mixed Outgassing Changes The Volatile Distribution In Magma Oceans Around M Dwarf Stars
We investigate the impact of CO2 on TRAPPIST-1 e, f and g during the magma ocean stage. These potentially habitable rocky planets are currently the most accessible for astronomical observations.
A constraint on the volatile budget during the magma ocean stage is a link to planet formation and also needed to judge their habitability. We perform simulations with 1-100 terrestrial oceans (TO) of H2O with and without CO2 and for albedos 0 and 0.75. The CO2 mass is scaled with initial H2O by a constant factor between 0.1 and 1.
The magma ocean state of rocky planets begins with a CO2-dominated atmosphere but can evolve into a H2O dominated state, depending on initial conditions. For less than 10 TO initial H2O, the atmosphere tends to desiccate and the evolution may end with a CO2 dominated atmosphere. Otherwise, the final state is a thick (>1000 bar) H2O-CO2 atmosphere.
Complete atmosphere desiccation with less than 10 TO initial H2O can be significantly delayed for TRAPPIST-1e and f, when H2O has to diffuse through a CO2 atmosphere to reach the upper atmosphere, where XUV photolysis occurs.
As a consequence of CO2 diffusion-limited water loss, the time of mantle solidification for TRAPPIST-1 e, f, and g can be significantly extended compared to a pure H2O evolution by up to 40 Myrs for albedo 0.75 and by up to 200 Mrys for albedo 0. The addition of CO2 further results in a higher water content in the melt during the magma ocean stage.
Our compositional model adjusted for the measured metallicity of TRAPPIST-1 yields for the dry inner planets (b, c, d) an iron fraction of 27 wt-%. For TRAPPIST-1 e, this iron fraction would be compatible with a (partly) desiccated evolution scenario and a CO2 atmosphere with surface pressures of a few 100 bar. A comparative study between TRAPPIST-1 e and the inner planets may yield the most insights about formation and evolution scenarios.
From CO2– to H2O-dominated Atmospheres and Back — How Mixed Outgassing Changes the Volatile Distribution in Magma Oceans Around M dwarf stars
Ludmila Carone, Rory Barnes, Lena Noack, Katy L. Chubb, Patrick Barth, Bertram Bitsch, Alexander Thamm, Alexander Balduin, Rodolfo Garcia, Christiane Helling
Comments: 36 pages, 28 figues, accepted by A&A 9/12/2024
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)
Cite as: arXiv:2412.10192 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2412.10192v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
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Submission history
From: Ludmila Carone
[v1] Fri, 13 Dec 2024 15:03:11 UTC (4,547 KB)