Radiolytic Support For Oxidative Metabolism In An Ancient Subsurface Brine System

Long-isolated subsurface brine environments (Ma-Ga residence times) may be habitable if they sustainably provide substrates, e.g. through water-rock reaction, that support microbial catabolic energy yields exceeding maintenance costs.
The relative inaccessibility and low biomass of such systems has led to limited understanding of microbial taxonomic distribution, metabolism, and survival under abiotic stress exposure in these extreme environments.
In this study, taxonomic and metabolic annotations of 95 single cell amplified genomes (SAGs) were obtained for one low biomass (103–104 cells/mL), hypersaline (246 g/L), radiolytically enriched brine obtained from 3.1 km depth in South Africa’s Moab Khotsong mine.
The majority of SAGs belonged to three halophilic families (Halomondaceae (58%), Microbacteriaceae (24%), and Idiomarinaceae (8%)) and did not overlap with any family-level identifications from service water or a less saline dolomite aquifer sampled in the same mine.
Functional annotation revealed complete metabolic modules for aerobic heterotrophy (organic acids and xenobiotics oxidation), fermentation, denitrification and thiosulfate oxidation, suggesting metabolic support in a microoxic environment.
SAGs also contained complete modules for degradation of complex organics, amino acid and nucleotide synthesis, and motility. This work highlights a long-isolated subsurface fluid system with microbial metabolism fueled by radiolytically generated substrates, including O2, and suggests subsurface brines with high radionuclide concentrations as putatively habitable and redox-sustainable environments over long (ka-Ga) timescales.

Total community nutrient cycling diagrams for 101-level brine SAGs as determined by METABOLIC-C for (a) carbon (b) nitrogen, and (c) sulfur. Red arrows indicate the metabolic function is present in at least one SAG in the community (≥75% of gene annotations found for that function in a SAG). Symbols indicate genera associated with a particular pathway, based on individual nutrient cycling annotations for the top three most complete SAGs in each genus, including: Agrococcus (right triangle), Atopococcus (three-quarter circle), Caenispirillum (circle), Chromohalobacter (diamond), Curtobacterium (trapezoid), Halomonas (square), Idiomarina (star), Microbacterium (x mark), Pseudomonas (equilateral triangle), Shinella (plus sign).– ISME Communications
Radiolytic support for oxidative metabolism in an ancient subsurface brine system, ISME Communications, (open access)