Ocean Worlds Working Group Seeking New Science Group Co-Lead

The Ocean Worlds Working Group is seeking a new co-lead for the Science Goals subgroup. The Science Goals subgroup is tasked with developing both immediate and long-term science goals for ocean worlds exploration and working with the Technology subgroup to develop an ocean worlds technology roadmap.
Over the next 12 months, both subgroups will produce input (including but not limited to reports, white papers, and publications) that will feed into a broader Ocean Worlds Strategy Document.
This is a volunteer position, and all are encouraged to apply regardless of institution or career stage. Applications are due by December 15, 2024.
Apply at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclxY6hYGqElCbrvBNtldR3OcCokJ-N6NMlY719oSxohZFY1w/viewform
Please contact the OWWG co-chairs Cynthia Philips ([email protected]) and Michael Bland ([email protected]) with questions.
The Ocean Worlds Working Group (OWWG) was formed under the umbrella of the Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG), Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG), and Network for Ocean Worlds (NOW) as a vehicle to communicate the goals and needs of the Ocean Worlds (OW) community to NASA. This Cross-AG OWWG reflects the intellectual diversity that bridges planetary science and astrobiology and covers the rich diversity of targets that provide unique opportunities for mission and technology development.