Atmospheres & Climate

The Erosion Of Large Primary Atmospheres Typically Leaves Behind Substantial Secondary Atmospheres On Temperate Rocky Planets

By Keith Cowing
Status Report
October 1, 2024
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The Erosion Of Large Primary Atmospheres Typically Leaves Behind Substantial Secondary Atmospheres On Temperate Rocky Planets
Schematic overview of coupled redox-atmosphere-interior evolution model, PACMAN-P. The model is initialized with a completely molten mantle, and the solidification radius, rs, evolves from the core-mantle boundary to the surface, rp, as the planet cools. At each timestep, we calculate multiphase thermochemical equilibrium between C, H, O, and Fe-bearing species to find the mantle redox state and the partitioning of volatiles between the magma ocean and the atmosphere. Surface climate, Tsurf, is calculated using a radiative-convective model given atmospheric volatile inventories. Under highly reducing conditions created by large H2 envelopes, the reaction of H2 with the silicate magma ocean produces metallic iron, that is either sequestered in the core or remains in the mantle (two endmember assumptions). Atmospheric escape is either XUV-limited or diffusion limited depending on stratospheric composition, and under the former regime we calculate the hydrodynamic drag of O and CO. — astro-ph.EP

Exoplanet exploration has revealed that many–perhaps most–terrestrial exoplanets formed with substantial H2-rich envelopes, seemingly in contrast to solar system terrestrials, for which there is scant evidence of long-lived primary atmospheres. It is not known how a long-lived primary atmosphere might affect the subsequent habitability prospects of terrestrial exoplanets.

Here, we present a new, self-consistent evolutionary model of the transition from primary to secondary atmospheres. The model incorporates all Fe-C-O-H-bearing species and simulates magma ocean solidification, radiative-convective climate, thermal escape, and mantle redox evolution. For our illustrative example TRAPPIST-1, our model strongly favors atmosphere retention for the habitable zone planet TRAPPIST-1e.

In contrast, the same model predicts a comparatively thin atmosphere for the Venus-analog TRAPPIST-1b, which would be vulnerable to complete erosion via non-thermal escape and is consistent with JWST observations.

More broadly, we conclude that the erosion of primary atmospheres typically does not preclude surface habitability, and frequently results in large surface water inventories due to the reduction of FeO by H2.

Monte Carlo evolutionary calculation showing outcomes for TRAPPIST 1e (left two columns) and TRAPPIST-1b (right two columns) after 8 Gyr of coupled atmosphere-interior-redox evolution, as a function of initial H endowment. Rows denote total surface pressure (bar), partial pressures of surface volatiles (bar), final atmosphere and interior carbon inventories (kg C), and final atmosphere and interior hydrogen inventories (kg H), respectively. The two columns for each planet denote endmember cases whereby all metallic iron is sequestered in the core (left), and all metallic iron remains in the silicate mantle (right). Solid lines and shaded regions denote median model outputs and 1-sigma confidence intervals, respectively. The green-shaded ranges denote approximate modern Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) volatile abundances, and the red gradients show total surface volatile inventories increasingly vulnerable to non-thermal escape— final volatile inventories in the red-shaded region represent model runs that could result in airless planets. Broadly speaking, TRAPPIST-1e is expected to retain substantial volatiles and habitability is not precluded, whereas TRAPPIST-1b is likely to be left with a comparatively thin O2 atmosphere susceptible to complete erosion via non-thermal loss. — astro-ph.EP

Joshua Krissansen-Totton, Nicholas Wogan, Maggie Thompson, Jonathan J. Fortney

Comments: Published in Nature Communications. 16 pages, 5 figures
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)
Cite as: arXiv:2409.18940 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2409.18940v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
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Journal reference: Nature Communications 15, 8374 (2024)
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Submission history
From: Joshua Krissansen-Totton
[v1] Fri, 27 Sep 2024 17:40:25 UTC (6,861 KB)


Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA Space Station Payload manager/space biologist, Away Teams, Journalist, Lapsed climber, Synaesthete, Na’Vi-Jedi-Freman-Buddhist-mix, ASL, Devon Island and Everest Base Camp veteran, (he/him) 🖖🏻