The Effects Of The Carbon-to-oxygen Ratio On The Condensate Compositions Around Solar-like Stars

The initial stellar carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio can have a large impact on the resulting condensed species present in the protoplanetary disk and, hence, the composition of the bodies and planets that form.
The observed C/O ratios of stars can vary from 0.1-2. We use a sequential dust condensation model to examine the impact of the C/O ratio on the composition of solids around a Solar-like star.
We utilize this model in a focused examination of the impact of varying the initial stellar C/O ratio to isolate the effects of the C/O ratio in the context of Solar-like stars. We describe three different system types in our findings. The Solar system falls into the silicate-dominant, low C/O ratio systems which end at a stellar C/O ratio somewhere between 0.52 and 0.6. At C/O ratios between about 0.6 and 0.9, we have intermediate systems.
Intermediate systems show a decrease in silicates while carbides begin to become significant. Carbide-dominant systems begin around a C/O ratio of 0.9. Carbide-dominant systems exhibit high carbide surface densities at inner radii with comparable levels of carbides and silicates at outer radii.
Our models show that changes between C/O=0.8 and C/O=1 are more significant than previous studies, that carbon can exceed 80% of the condensed mass, and that carbon condensation can be significant at radii up to 6 AU.
Comments: Submitted
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)
Cite as: arXiv:2408.07761 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2408.07761v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
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Submission history
From: Cody Shakespeare
[v1] Wed, 14 Aug 2024 18:26:13 UTC (640 KB)
Astrobiology, Astrochemistry,