NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,105 21 June 2024 (Space Life Science Research Results)

Space Biology
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Papers deriving from NASA support:
- Cahoon DS, Fisher DR, Rabin BM, Lamon-Fava S, Wu D, Zheng T, Shukitt-Hale B.Galactic cosmic ray particle exposure does not increase protein levels of inflammation or oxidative stress markers in rat microglial cells in vitro.Int J Mol Sci. 2024 May 29;25(11):5923.PI: B.M. RabinNote: This article is part of Special Issue “The Role of Microglia in Neurological Disorders” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.9
Funding: “The authors would like to thank the NASA Space Radiation Element, with special mention of Dr. Janice Zawaski for supporting the scientific discussions and Dr. Brock J. Shisc, for their input on radiation-related discussions, and the NASA Human Research Program for funding that enabled this research. The authors thank NASA Open Science Data Repository and their ML/AI team led by Dr. Lauren Sanders for data access and collaborations on understanding data quality.” - Al-Turki TM, Maranon DG, Nelson CB, Lewis AM, Luxton JJ, Taylor LE, Altina N, Wu F, Du H, Kim J, Damle N, Overbey E, Meydan C, Grigorev K, Winer DA, Furman D, Mason CE, Bailey SM.Telomeric RNA (TERRA) increases in response to spaceflight and high-altitude climbing.Commun Biol. 2024 Jun 11;7:698.PIs: C.E. Mason, S.M. BaileyNote: A rotating wall vessel was used in this study.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.9
Funding: “…C.E.M. thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832, NNX16AO69A), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001- 18, LLS 9238-16), and the GI Research Foundation (GIRF). S.M.B. gratefully acknowledges funding from NASA (NNX14AB02G, 80NSSC19K0434, 80NSSC23K0832).” - An R, Blackwell VK, Harandi B, Gibbons AC, Siu O, Irby I, Rees A, Cornejal N, Sattler KM, Sheng T, Syracuse NC, Loftus D, Santa Maria SR, Cekanaviciute E, Reinsch SS, Ray HE, Paul AM.Influence of the spaceflight environment on macrophage lineages.npj Microgravity. 2024 Jun 11;10:63. Review.Note: From the abstract: “This review highlights current literature on macrophage responses to spaceflight and spaceflight analogs.”
Journal Impact Factor: 5.1
Funding: “We would like to thank the 2021 NASA Ames Research Center Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) and Mentors for providing an avenue for student collaboration in space biosciences. SLSTP is funded by NASA’s Space Biology Program, part of the Biological and Physical Sciences Division of NASA. Publication of this review was supported by the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Start Up fund to AMP.” - Borg J, Loy C, Kim J, Buhagiar A, Chin C, Damle N, De Vlaminck I, Felice A, Liu T, Matei I, Meydan C, Muratani M, Mzava O, Overbey E, Ryon KA, Smith SM, Tierney BT, Trudel G, Zwart SR, Beheshti A, Mason CE, Borg J.Spatiotemporal expression and control of haemoglobin in space.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4927.PIs: A. Beheshti, C.E. MasonNote: From the abstract: “This study sheds light on the dynamic nature of globin gene regulation in response to the space environment and provides valuable insights into the broader implications of space omics research.”
Journal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “We would like to extend our gratitude to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for the data on their Japanese astronauts. We also thank the SpaceX Inspiration4 astronauts for their contribution of blood samples and data which were essential for our analysis. We are grateful to Dr. Wasim Ahmed, CEO of Metavisionaries, for the scientific funding support provided to Dr. Josef Borg, facilitated by the Research, Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT) foundation at the University of Malta, Malta. CEM also thanks the Scientific Computing Unit (SCU), the WorldQuant and GI Research Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC22K0254, 80NSSC23K0832), the National Institutes of Health (R01ES032638, U54AG089334), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23), and Boryung for their financial support and research guidance as well.” - Camera A, Tabetah M, Castañeda V, Kim J, Galsinh AS, Haro-Vinueza A, Salinas I, Seylani A, Arif S, Das S, Mori MA, Carano A, de Oliveira LC, Muratani M, Barker R, Zaksas V, Goel C, Dimokidis E, Taylor DM, Jeong J, Overbey E, Meydan C, Porterfield DM, Díaz JE, Caicedo A, Schisler JC, Laiakis EC, Mason CE, Kim MS, Karouia F, Szewczyk NJ, Beheshti A.Aging and putative frailty biomarkers are altered by spaceflight.Sci Rep. 2024 Jun 11;14:13098.PIs: C.E. Mason, A. BeheshtiJournal Impact Factor: 4.6
Funding: “V.C. was supported by ANID-Subdirecciòn de Capital Humano/Doctorado Nacional/2022- 21220897. N.J.S. was supported by grants from NASA [NSSC22K0250; NSSC22K0278]. A.B. was supported by NASA grant 16-ROSBFP_GL-0005: NNH16ZTT001N-FG Appendix G: Solicitation of Proposals for Flight and Ground Space Biology Research (Award Number: 80NSSC19K0883). M.S.K. was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (2022R1F1A1071814) and Kyung Hee University (20220780). CEM thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274, R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16).” - Grigorev K, Nelson TM, Overbey EG, Houerbi N, Kim J, Najjar D, Damle N, Afshin EE, Ryon KA, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Melnick AM, Mateus J, Mason CE.Direct RNA sequencing of astronaut blood reveals spaceflight-associated m6A increases and hematopoietic transcriptional responses.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4950.PI: C.E. MasonNote: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “C.E.M. thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, the GI Research Foundation, Katherine & John Bleckman Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054, R01AI151059), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16). J.K. thanks MOGAM Science Foundation. J.K. was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00241586).” - Houerbi N, Kim J, Overbey EG, Batra R, Schweickart A, Patras L, Lucotti S, Ryon KA, Najjar D, Meydan C, Damle N, Chin C, Narayanan SA, Guarnieri JW, Widjaja G, Beheshti A, Tobias G, Vatter F, Hirschberg JW, Kleinman A, Afshin EE, MacKay M, Chen Q, Miller D, Gajadhar AS, Williamson L, Tandel P, Yang Q, Chu J, Benz R, Siddiqui A, Hornburg D, Gross S, Shirah B, Krumsiek J, Mateus J, Mao X, Matei I, Mason CE.Secretome profiling reveals acute changes in oxidative stress, brain homeostasis, and coagulation following short-duration spaceflight.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4862.PI: C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “C.E.M. thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054, R01 AI151059), and the L.L.S. (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16). E.G.O. is funded by NASA (80NSSC21K0316).” - Jones CW, Overbey EG, Lacombe J, Ecker AJ, Meydan C, Ryon K, Tierney B, Damle N, MacKay M, Afshin EE, Foox J, Park J, Nelson T, Suhail M, Byhaqui SG, Aslam B, Tali UA, Nisa L, Menon P, Patel CO, Khan SA, Ebert DJ, Everson A, Schubert MC, Ali NN, Sarma MS, Kim J, Houerbi N, Grigorev K, Garcia Medina S, Summers AJ, Gu J, Altin JA, Fattahi A, Hirzallah MI, Wu JH, Stahn AC, Beheshti A, Klotz R, Ortiz V, Yu M, Patras L, Matei I, Lyden D, Melnick A, Banerjee N, Mullane S, Kleinman A, Loesche M, Menon AS, Donoviel DB, Urquieta E, Mateus J, Sargsyan AE, Shelhamer M, Zenhausern F, Bershad EM, Basner M, Mason CE.Molecular and physiologic changes in the SpaceX Inspiration4 civilian crew.Nature. 2024 Jun 11.PI: M.S. Sarma, J. Gu, A. Beheshti, A.S. Menon, A.E. Sargsyan, M. Shelhamer, F. Zenhausern, E.M. Bershad, M. Basner, C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 64.8
Funding: “C.E.M. thanks Igor Tulchinsky and WorldQuant, The GI Research Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, NNX16AO69A), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054, R01AI151059, U54AG089334), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, 7029-23). EGO thanks Quest Diagnostics and Gregory Pajot for logistical support across multiple biospecimen collection locations. We also thank the Epigenomics and SCU Cores at WCM and Jaden Hastings for help in the mission logistics. The NASA OSDR thanks the NASA Space Biology Program and the NASA Human Research Program. F.Z., J.L., J.G., J.A.A., A.F., A.J.S. were supported under NASA contract NNX16A069A / CAT0001, EXP0006 and NIAID 1U01AI148307-01 and U24AI152172. We also thank Mahmoud Zubaidi, Michael McNeely, and Philip Luk at GattaCo for providing the plasma separation cartridges, and Georgia Nelson and Heather Mead for assistance running PepSeq assays. A.S., D.E., A.E., M.B., A.J.E., C.E.M, C.W.J., E.B., M.H., E.U., D.B.D., M.S., M.S.S., M.C.S., N.A., A.N., J.M., and J.W. were supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A.” - Kim J, Tierney BT, Overbey EG, Dantas E, Fuentealba M, Park J, Narayanan SA, Wu F, Najjar D, Chin CR, Meydan C, Loy C, Mathyk B, Klotz R, Ortiz V, Nguyen K, Ryon KA, Damle N, Houerbi N, Patras LI, Schanzer N, Hutchinson GA, Foox J, Bhattacharya C, Mackay M, Afshin EE, Hirschberg JW, Kleinman AS, Schmidt JC, Schmidt CM, Schmidt MA, Beheshti A, Matei I, Lyden D, Mullane S, Asadi A, Lenz JS, Mzava O, Yu M, Ganesan S, De Vlaminck I, Melnick AM, Barisic D, Winer DA, Zwart SR, Crucian BE, Smith SM, Mateus J, Furman D, Mason CE.Single-cell multi-ome and immune profiles of the Inspiration4 crew reveal conserved, cell-type, and sex-specific responses to spaceflight.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4954.PI: E.G. Overbey, S.A. Narayanan, C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: C.E.M. thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC23K0832, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001NFG2), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, R01AI151059, P01CA214274, R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238- 16, 7029-23). AM thanks to the National Institutes of Health (R35 CA220499) and the LLS (LLS SCOR 7021-20, LLS SCOR-7027-23, LLS SCOR 7029-23). E.G.O. is funded by NASA (80NSSC21K0316). S.A.N. thanks NASA (80NSSC19K0426, 80NSSC19K1322). J.K. thanks MOGAM Science Foundation. J.K. was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00241586).” - Masarapu Y, Cekanaviciute E, Andrusivova Z, Westholm JO, Björklund Å, Fallegger R, Badia-i-Mompel P, Boyko V, Vasisht S, Saravia-Butler A, Gebre S, Lázár E, Graziano M, Frapard S, Hinshaw RG, Bergmann O, Taylor DM, Wallace DC, Sylvén C, Meletis K, Saez-Rodriguez J, Galazka JM, Costes SV, Giacomello S.Spatially resolved multiomics on the neuronal effects induced by spaceflight in mice.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4778.Note: ISS results.
Journal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: E. Cekanaviciute, V. Boyko, S.A. Saravia-Butler, S. Gebre, R.G. Hinshaw, J.M. Galazka, and S.V. Costes are affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center. - McDonald JT, Kim J, Farmerie L, Johnson ML, Trovao NS, Arif S, Siew K, Tsoy S, Bram Y, Park J, Overbey E, Ryon K, Haltom J, Singh U, Enguita FJ, Zaksas V, Guarnieri JW, Topper M, Wallace DC, Meydan C, Baylin S, Meller R, Muratani M, Porterfield DM, Kaufman B, Mori MA, Walsh SB, Sigaudo-Roussel D, Mebarek S, Bottini M, Marquette CA, Wurtele ES, Schwartz RE, Galeano D, Mason CE, Grabham P, Beheshti A.Space radiation damage rescued by inhibition of key spaceflight associated miRNAs.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15(1):4825.PI: C.E. Mason, A. BeheshtiJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “This work was supported by NASA grant 16-ROSBFP_GL-0005: NNH16ZTT001N-FG Appendix G: Solicitation of Proposals for Flight and Ground Space Biology Research (Award Number: 80NSSC19K0883) and The Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A (T-0404) awarded to A.B. Orphan gene analysis was supported by National Science Foundation IOS 1546858 awarded to E.S.W. M.A.M. was funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (310287/2018-9) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (2021/08354-2). The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government. JK was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00241586). CEM thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274, R01CA249054), and the LLS (LLS SCOR-7027-23, LLS SCOR 7029-23). JK acknowledge Boryung for their financial support and research enhancement ground, provided through their Global Space Healthcare Initiative, Humans In Space, including mentorship and access to relevant expert networks. S.B.W. and K.S. acknowledges this work was partially funded by the UK Space Agency through a grant [ST/X000036/1] administered by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). S.B.W. is supported by Kidney Research UK [RP_017_20190306; ST_001_20221128; TF_007_20191202]. K.S. acknowledges this research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number 110282/Z/15/Z].” - Overbey EG, Ryon K, Kim J, Tierney BT, Klotz R, Ortiz V, Mullane S, Schmidt JC, MacKay M, Damle N, Najjar D, Matei I, Patras L, Garcia Medina JS, Kleinman AS, Wain Hirschberg J, Proszynski J, Narayanan SA, Schmidt CM, Afshin EE, Innes L, Saldarriaga MM, Schmidt MA, Granstein RD, Shirah B, Yu M, Lyden D, Mateus J, Mason CE.Collection of biospecimens from the Inspiration4 mission establishes the standards for the space omics and medical atlas (SOMA).Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4964.PI: C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “CEM thanks the NIH (R01MH117406, R01ES032638) and NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832), the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23), as well as Igor Tulchinsky and the WorldQuant Foundation, the GI Research Foundation (GIRF), the Radvinsky/Chudnovsky family. EGO thanks NASA BPS (80NSSC23K0832). We thank JJ Hastings for protocol work. JK thanks MOGAM Science Foundation and was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS−2023-00241586).” - Overbey EG, Kim J, Tierney BT, Park J, Houerbi N, Lucaci AG, Medina SG, Damle N, Najjar D, Grigorev K, Afshin EE, Ryon KA, Sienkiewicz K, Patras L, Klotz R, Ortiz V, MacKay M, Schweickart A, Chin CR, Sierra MA, Valenzuela MF, Dantas E, Nelson TM, Cekanaviciute E, Deards G, Foox J, Narayanan SA, Schmidt CM, Schmidt MA, Schmidt JC, Mullane S, Tigchelaar SS, Levitte S, Westover C, Bhattacharya C, Lucotti S, Hirschberg JW, Proszynski J, Burke M, Kleinman A, Butler DJ, Loy C, Mzava O, Lenz J, Paul D, Mozsary C, Sanders LM, Taylor LE, Patel CO, Khan SA, Suhail M, Byhaqui SG, Aslam B, Gajadhar AS, Williamson L, Tandel P, Yang Q, Chu J, Benz RW, Siddiqui A, Hornburg D, Blease K, Moreno J, Boddicker A, Zhao J, Lajoie B, Scott RT, Gilbert RR, Polo SL, Altomare A, Kruglyak S, Levy S, Ariyapala I, Beer J, Zhang B, Hudson BM, Rininger A, Church SE, Beheshti A, Church GM, Smith SM, Crucian BE, Zwart SR, Matei I, Lyden DC, Garrett-Bakelman F, Krumsiek J, Chen Q, Miller D, Shuga J, Williams S, Nemec C, Trudel G, Pelchat M, Laneuville O, De Vlaminck I, Gross S, Bolton KL, Bailey SM, Granstein R, Furman D, Melnick AM, Costes SV, Shirah B, Yu M, Menon AS, Mateus J, Meydan C, Mason CE.The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international astronaut biobank.Nature. 2024 Jun 11.PIs: S.M. Bailey, C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 64.8
Funding: “CEM thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054), the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16), and the GI Research Foundation (GIRF). EGO thanks Quest Diagnostics for logistical support across multiple biospecimen collection locations and NASA (80NSSC21K0316). We also thank the Scientific Computing Unit (SCU) at WCM, including Rashad Ahmed, Ahmed Mahmoud, and Joseph Hargitai. The NASA OSDR thanks the NASA Space Biology Program and the NASA Human Research Program. SAN thanks NASA (80NSSC19K0426, 80NSSC19K1322). Thanks to JJ Hastings for collections and I4 logistics and Kasthuri J Venkateswaran for microbiome guidance. JK thanks the MOGAM Science Foundation. JK was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (RS-2023-00241586). All authors thank the NASA GeneLab and NASA ALSDA teams for customizing solutions for data accessibility in OSDR. The astronaut cytokine data were provided from the Nutritional Status Assessment project and the Biochemical Profile Projects, which were funded by the Human Health Countermeasures Element of the NASA Human Research Program. NH thanks Zurong Wan and Jinghua Gu for providing the lists of tissue specific and tissue-enriched proteins compiled from the Human Protein Atlas and help with the GSEA analysis. RDG receives funding from Pfizer, Inc., Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Leo Pharma A/S and the Howard and Abby Milstein Foundation. LP thanks to the Association of Transdisciplinary Society of Personalized Oncology for Combating Cancer for financial support through the postdoctoral research fellowship STOP Cancer. DCL gratefully acknowledges support from the Children’s Cancer and Blood Foundation, the Malcolm Hewitt Weiner Foundation, the Manning Foundation, the Sohn Foundation, the Theodore A. Rapp Foundation, ACCELERATED ARTICLE PREVIEW and the AHEPA Vth District Cancer Research Foundation. SMB thanks NASA (80NSSC19K0434). AM is funded by NCI R35-CA220499.” - Park J, Overbey EG, Narayanan SA, Kim J, Tierney BT, Damle N, Najjar D, Ryon KA, Proszynski J, Kleinman A, Hirschberg JW, MacKay M, Afshin EE, Granstein R, Gurvitch J, Hudson BM, Rininger A, Mullane S, Church SE, Meydan C, Church G, Beheshti A, Mateus J, Mason CE.Spatial multi-omics of human skin reveals KRAS and inflammatory responses to spaceflight.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4773.PI: C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “We thank Igor Tulchinsky and WorldQuant, The GI Research Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC22K0254), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23). We also would like to acknowledge the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology (supported by Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA008748) for histology and RNA scope analysis. Additionally, the authors would like to thank following grants and/or fellowships: Bumrungrad International Hospital (J.P.), MOGAM Science Foundation (J.P., J.K.), NASA Space Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship (80NSSC19K0426, S.A.N.), Human Research Program Augmentation Award (80NSSC19K1322, S.A.N.), and the Boryung Care in Space (CIS) Award.” - Rutter LA, Cope H, MacKay MJ, Herranz R, Das S, Ponomarev SA, Costes SV, Paul AM, Barker R, Taylor DM, Bezdan D, Szewczyk NJ, Muratani M, Mason CE, Giacomello S.Astronaut omics and the impact of space on the human body at scale.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4952. Review.PI: C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “…L.A.R. and M.M. are supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) funding JP15H05940 and JP20H03234. L.A.R. is supported by the JSPS postdoctoral fellowship P20382. European (H.C., N.J.S., R.H., and S.G.) contribution is supported by ESA Topical Team ‘Space Omics: Towards an integrated ESA/NASA-omics database for spaceflight and ground facilities experiments’ grant 4000131202/20/ NL/PG/pt to R.H. S.G. is supported by Formas grant 2017-01066_3. H.C. is supported by the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Nottingham (UKRI Grant No. EP/S023305/1). N.J.S. is supported by NASA (NSSC22K0250, NSSC22K0278). S.A.P. is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, No. 075-1502020-919. D.T. is supported by the Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute. C.E.M. thanks the Scientific Computing Unit (SCU) at WCM, the WorldQuant and GI Research Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC22K0254, 80NSSC23K0832, the Translational Research Institute through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23). R.B. was supported by the NASA GeneLab Innovation Award from NRA NNH16ZTT001N-GL and Yuri Gravity. S.V.C. is supported by Open Science Projects at NASA Ames Research Center, through NASA’s BPS division in the Science Missions Directorate.” - Siew K, Nestler KA, Nelson C, D’Ambrosio V, Zhong C, Li Z, Grillo A, Wan ER, Patel V, Overbey E, Kim J, Yun S, Vaughan MB, Cheshire C, Cubitt L, Broni-Tabi J, Al-Jaber MY, Boyko V, Meydan C, Barker P, Arif S, Afsari F, Allen N, Al-Maadheed M, Altinok S, Bah N, Border S, Brown AL, Burling K, Cheng-Campbell M, Colón LM, Degoricija L, Figg N, Finch R, Foox J, Faridi P, French A, Gebre S, Gordon P, Houerbi N, Valipour Kahrood H, Kiffer FC, Klosinska AS, Kubik A, Lee HC, Li Y, Lucarelli N, Marullo AL, Matei I, McCann CM, Mimar S, Naglah A, Nicod J, O’Shaughnessy KM, Oliveira LC, Oswalt L, Patras LI, Lai Polo SH, RodrÃguez-Lopez M, Roufosse C, Sadeghi-Alavijeh O, Sanchez-Hodge R, Paul AS, Schittenhelm RB, Schweickart A, Scott RT, Choy Lim Kam Sian TC, da Silveira WA, Slawinski H, Snell D, Sosa J, Saravia-Butler AM, Tabetah M, Tanuwidjaya E, Walker-Samuel S, Yang X, Yasmin, Zhang H, Godovac-Zimmermann J, Sarder P, Sanders LM, Costes SV, Campbell RAA, Karouia F, Mohamed-Alis V, Rodriques S, Lynham S, Steele JR, Baranzini S, Fazelinia H, Dai Z, Uruno A, Shiba D, Yamamoto M, E ACA, Blaber E, Schisler JC, Eisch AJ, Muratani M, Zwart SR, Smith SM, Galazka JM, Mason CE, Beheshti A, Walsh SB.Cosmic kidney disease: An integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction. Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4923.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4923.PIs: S. Yun, F.C. Kiffer, S.V. Costes, S.M. Smith, C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “…S.Y. received 2021 NASA HERO grant 80NSSC21K0814 and Augmentation awardhellip; S.G. and S.L.P. are supported by the GeneLab Project at NASA Ames Research Center, through NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division in the Science Mission Directorate (SMD). F.C.K. is supported by Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) through NASA cooperative agreement NNX16AO69A, Penn Provost/CHOP Postdoctoral Fellowship for Academic Diversityhellip; Almeida, ECA’s NASA Rodent Research 10 Spaceflight experiment supported by a NASA Space Biology Grant NNH14ZTT001N14-14SF. hellip;S.M.S. and S.R.Z. belong to Biochemical Profile and Nutritional Status Assessment projects and were funded by the NASA Human Research Program’s human Health Countermeasures Element. J.M.G. is supported by the NASA Space Biology Program. C.E.M. thanks the Scientific Computing Unit (SCU) at WCM, the WorldQuant and GI Research Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC22K0254, 80NSSC23K0832, the Translational Research Institute through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23) The NASA Biological & Physical Sciences (BPS) Open Science Data Repository (OSDR) team (S.V.C., L.M.S., S.L.P., R.T.S., L.D., S.G., A.F., A.S.B., V.B., J.M.G.) is primarily funded by the BPS Space Biology Program within the NASA Science Mission Directorate and receive some support from the NASA Human Research Program (HRP). S.V.C. is also funded by NASA HRP grant NNJ16HP24I (P.I. Costes). hellip;Biospecimens utilized in this research were collected by the NASA Space Biology Biospecimen Sharing Program at NASA Ames Research Center (Moffett Field, CA), and awarded to K.S. through the NASA Biological Institutional Scientific Collection (NBISC).” - Seylani A, Galsinh AS, Tasoula A, I AR, Camera A, Calleja-Agius J, Borg J, Goel C, Kim J, Clark KB, Das S, Arif S, Boerrigter M, Coffey C, Szewczyk N, Mason CE, Manoli M, Karouia F, Schwertz H, Beheshti A, Tulodziecki D.Ethical considerations for the age of non-governmental space exploration.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4774. Review.PIs: C.E. Mason, H. Schwertz, A. BeheshtiJournal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “The preparation of this manuscript was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, Space Biology 80NSSC22K0255 to HS). CEM thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23). NS was supported by grants from NASA [NSSC22K0250; NSSC22K0278]. A.B. was supported by NASA grant 16-ROSBFP_GL0005: NNH16ZTT001N-FG Appendix G: Solicitation of Proposals for Flight and Ground Space Biology Research (Award Number: 80NSSC19K0883) and The Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A (T-0404).” - Tierney BT, Kim J, Overbey EG, Ryon KA, Foox J, Sierra MA, Bhattacharya C, Damle N, Najjar D, Park J, Garcia Medina JS, Houerbi N, Meydan C, Wain Hirschberg J, Qiu J, Kleinman AS, Al-Ghalith GA, MacKay M, Afshin EE, Dhir R, Borg J, Gatt C, Brereton N, Readhead BP, Beyaz S, Venkateswaran KJ, Wiseman K, Moreno J, Boddicker AM, Zhao J, Lajoie BR, Scott RT, Altomare A, Kruglyak S, Levy S, Church GM, Mason CE.Longitudinal multi-omics analysis of host microbiome architecture and immune responses during short-term spaceflight.Nat Microbiol. 2024 Jun 11.PI: C.E. MasonJournal Impact Factor: 28.3
Funding: “We thank the WorldQuant Foundation, the Scientific Computing Unit (SCU) at WCM, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254 NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832), L. Radvinsky, K. Chudnovsky, the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054, R01ES032638, R01AI151059), the LLS (MCL7001-18, LLS 9238-16, 7029-23), and the GI Research Foundation (GIRF). …” - Werneth CM, Patel ZS, Thompson MS, Blattnig SR, Huff JL.Considering clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential in space radiation risk analysis for hematologic cancers and cardiovascular disease.Commun Med (Lond). 2024 Jun 11;4:105.Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This work was supported by the Human Research Program of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (CMW, JLH, SRB, MST) and by the Human Health and Performance contract NNJ15HK11B (ZSP). This work was prepared while Z.S.P. was employed at KBR/NASA Johnson Space Center. The opinions expressed in this work are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.” - Wu F, Du H, Overbey E, Kim J, Makhijani P, Martin N, Lerner CA, Nguyen K, Baechle J, Valentino TR, Fuentealba M, Bartleson JM, Halaweh H, Winer S, Meydan C, Garrett-Bakelman F, Sayed N, Melov S, Muratani M, Gerencser AA, Kasler HG, Beheshti A, Mason CE, Furman D, Winer DA.Single-cell analysis identifies conserved features of immune dysfunction in simulated microgravity and spaceflight.Nat Commun. 2024 Jun 11;15:4795.PI: C.E. MasonNote: A rotating wall vessel was used in this study.
Journal Impact Factor: 16.6
Funding: “…C.E.M. thanks the WorldQuant Foundation, NASA (NNX14AH50G, NNX17AB26G, 80NSSC22K0254, NNH18ZTT001N-FG2, 80NSSC23K0832, NNX16AO69A), the National Institutes of Health (R01MH117406, P01CA214274 R01CA249054), and the LLS (MCL7001- 18, LLS 9238-16). …”
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Astrobiology, space biology, microgravity,