NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,070 – 13 October 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)

NASA astronaut and Expedition 70 Flight Engineer Jasmin Moghbeli processes liver stem cell samples inside the Kibo laboratory module’s Life Science Glovebox aboard the International Space Station.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
- Lonner TL, Allred AR, Bonarrigo L, Gopinath A, Smith K, Kravets V, Groen EL, Oman C, DiZio P, Lawson BD, Clark TK.Virtual reality as a countermeasure for astronaut motion sickness during simulated post-flight water landings.Exp Brain Res. 2023 Oct 5.PI: T.K. ClarkNote: From the abstract: “Entry motion sickness (EMS) affects crewmembers upon return to Earth following extended adaptation to microgravity. Anticholinergic pharmaceuticals (e.g., Meclizine) are often taken prior to landing; however, they have operationally adverse side effects (e.g., drowsiness). There is a need to develop non-pharmaceutical countermeasures to EMS. We assessed the efficacy of a technological countermeasure providing external visual cues following splashdown, where otherwise only nauseogenic internal cabin visual references are available. Our countermeasure provided motion-congruent visual cues of an Earth-fixed scene in virtual reality, which was compared to a control condition with a head-fixed fixation point in virtual reality in a between-subject design with 15 subjects in each group. We tested the countermeasure’s effectiveness at mitigating motion sickness symptoms at the end of a ground-based reentry analog: approximately 1 h of 2Gx centrifugation followed by up to 1 h of wave-like motion.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2.0
Funding: “This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Human Research Program under Grant No. 80NSSC21K0257. Additionally, this work was supported by a NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities Award.” - Elder CA, Moore J, Janis BR, Shacklette S, Jones C, Cantrell R, Grimm DF, Pantalos G, Kopechek JA, Menze MA.Rehydration outcomes for freeze-dried red blood cells in reduced gravity.Acta Astronaut. 2023 Oct 10. Online ahead of print.Note: From the abstract: “This study explores if freeze-dried RBCs [red blood cells] can be rehydrated and transfused in reduced gravity with similar outcomes in recovery as observed at Earth gravity.”
Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
Funding: “This work was supported by NASA award No: 80NSSC18K1664 and NASA Kentucky under NASA award No: NNX15AR69H.” - Poplaski V, Sawyer FM, Blutt SE.The small intestinal microbiome: Vibing with intestinal stem cells.Microbiota and Host. 2023 Oct 1. Online ahead of print.PI: S.E. BluttNote: From the abstract. “This review highlights research that probes interactions between ISCs [intestinal stem cells] and the microbiome in the small intestine to detail the current understanding of microbial regulation of ISCs. Results from these studies provide important knowledge that can be exploited to identify therapeutic targets or develop novel preventative treatments to treat intestinal diseases.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This work was supported by the National Institute of Health grants U01- DK103168, and U19- AI116497, and the Translational Research Institute for Space Health grant – NNX16AO69A.” - Smith LT, Walsh RFL, Goel N, Alloy LB.Social jetlag and trajectories of mood symptoms and reward responsiveness in individuals at low-risk, high-risk, and with bipolar spectrum disorders: An ecological momentary assessment study.Psychiatry Research. 2023 Nov;329:115499.PI: N. GoelJournal Impact Factor: 11.3
Funding: “Namni Goel was supported in part by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) grants NNX14AN49G and 80NSSC20K0243 and National Institutes of Health grant R01DK117488. …” - Coulombe JC, Maridas DE, Chow JL, Bouxsein ML.Small animal DXA [dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry] instrument comparison and validation.Bone. 2023 Sep 29;116923. Online ahead of print.PI: M.L. BouxseinJournal Impact Factor: 4.1
Funding: “This study was funded by NASA Human Research Program grant 80NSSC19K0534. …” - Trovao NS, Pan V, Goel C, Gallego-García P, Liu Y, Barbara C, Borg R, Briffa M, Cilia C, Grech L, Vassallo M, Treangen TJ, Posada D, Beheshti A, Borg J, Zahra G.Evolutionary and spatiotemporal analyses reveal multiple introductions and cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 VOC/VOI in Malta.Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Oct 6;e0153923. Online ahead of print.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 9.0
Funding: A. Beheshti is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center.
Other papers of interest:
- Blaber AP, Sadeghian F, Naz Divsalar D, Scarisbrick IA.Elevated biomarkers of neural injury in older adults following head-down bed rest: Links to cardio-postural deconditioning with spaceflight and aging.Front Hum Neurosci. 2023 Sep 26;17:1208273.Note: Head-down tilt bedrest study. This article is part of Research Topic “Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior-Volume II” (—volume-ii#overview). The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,041; #1,046; #1,051; # 1,053; #1,056; #1,059 and; #1,061; and #1,062 This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Smith L.Space station and spacecraft environmental conditions and human mental health: Specific recommendations and guidelines.Life Sci Space Res. 2023 Oct 11. Online ahead of print.Note: From the abstract: “This manuscript serves to briefly review what is known about the main components of a space habitat (e.g., noise levels, lighting, air quality, privacy, plant life, etc.), and provide specific and clear recommendations for mission planners and space habitat designers. Where appropriate, opportunities for future research are highlighted.”
- White NJ, Wenthe A.Managing hemostasis in space.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2023 Oct 5. Review. Online ahead of print.Note: From the abstract: “Human space travel requires exposure to weightlessness, ionizing radiation, isolation, and austerity. A recent report of internal jugular vein thrombosis in astronauts in low Earth orbit confirms that these exposures also affect vascular biology to influence diseases of thrombosis and hemostasis. This brief review summarizes the known influences of space travel on inflammation, blood coagulation, and the cardiovascular system and conceptualizes how they might combine to affect thrombosis and hemostasis.”
- Pagliarello R, Bennici E, Di Sarcina I, Villani ME, Desiderio A, Nardi L, Benvenuto E, Cemmi A, Massa S.Effects of gamma radiation on engineered tomato biofortified for space agriculture by morphometry and fluorescence-based indices.Front Plant Sci. 2023 Oct 9;14:1266199.Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Progressing the Future of Space Agriculture” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,055 and #1,069 This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Miao LW, Liu TZ, Sun YH, Cai N, Xuan YY, Wei Z, Cui BB, Jing LL, Ma HP, Xian CJ, Wang JF, Gao YH, Chen KM.Simulated microgravity-induced oxidative stress and loss of osteogenic potential of osteoblasts can be prevented by protection of primary cilia.J Cell Physiol. 2023 Oct 5. Online ahead of print.Note: A random positioning machine was used in this study.
- Zhou Y, Lv W, Peng X, Cheng Y, Tu Y, Song G, Luo Q.Simulated microgravity attenuates skin wound healing by inhibiting dermal fibroblast migration via F-actin/YAP signaling pathway.J Cell Physiol. 2023 Oct 5. Online ahead of print.Note: From the abstract: “Skin and its cell components continuously subject to extrinsic and intrinsic mechanical forces and are mechanical sensitive. Disturbed mechanical homeostasis may lead to changes in skin functions. Gravity is the integral mechanical force on the Earth; however, how gravity contributes to the maintenance of skin function and how microgravity in space affects the wound healing are poorly understood. Here, using microgravity analogs, we show that simulated microgravity (SMG) inhibits the healing of cutaneous wound and the accumulation of dermal fibroblasts in the wound bed.”
- Cui X, Song W, Xue Y, Jing H, Lei M, Ma H, He X, Zou P, Wu B, Wang J.Numerical analysis of micro lunar dust deposition in the human nasal airway.J Hazard Mater. 2024 Jan 5;461:132682.
- Post TE, Heijn LG, Jordan J, van Gerven JMA.Sensitivity of cognitive function tests to acute hypoxia in healthy subjects: A systematic literature review.Front Physiol. 2023 Oct 11;14:1244279.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Kang JH, Lee HY, Kim NY, Lee DS, Yim M.Extracellular Prdx1 mediates bacterial infection and inflammatory bone diseases.Life Sci. 2023 Nov 15;333:122140.
- Cazenave L, Einenkel M, Yurkewich A, Endo S, Hirche S, Burdet E.Hybrid robotic and electrical stimulation assistance can enhance performance and reduce mental demand.IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2023 Oct 10. Online ahead of print.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Luyken MC, Appenzeller P, Scheiwiller PM, Lichtblau M, Mademilov M, Muratbekova A, Sheraliev U, Abdraeva A, Marazhapov N, Sooronbaev TM, Ulrich S, Bloch KE, Furian M.Time course of cerebral oxygenation and cerebrovascular reactivity in Kyrgyz highlanders. A five-year prospective cohort study.Front Physiol. 2023 Oct 10;14.Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Neurological Dysfunction and Diseases in High Altitude” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,037 and #1,065 This article may be obtained online without charge.
- Modi AD, Parekh A, Patel ZH.Methods for evaluating gait associated dynamic balance and coordination in rodents.Behav Brain Res. 2024 Jan 5;456:114695. Review.