Expedition VERITAS – Away Team Mission On Volcanic Terrain In Iceland As An Analog For Venus

Why were we in such a remote place to do field work? To use Iceland’s volcanic terrain as a stand-in, or “analog”, for Venus. By studying the geology of Iceland’s volcanic surface from the ground and radar in the air, we can better interpret what the radar measurements show us.

The VERITAS spacecraft will use radar to study Venus from orbit. As we prepare for the mission, we can use the information from #ExpeditionVERITAS to help us better understand the mission’s measurements of the planet’s surface.
Part of our job here in Iceland is to provide on-the-ground context for the radar overflights provided by our German Aerospace Center (DLR) colleagues. We won’t have that luxury on Venus—we’ll rely on fieldwork experiences like this one to help us interpret VERITAS radar data.