Astrobiologist Dale Andersen Antarctic Status Report 24 January 2018: Lake Naga Work Completed
Dale Anderson sent this message at 8:06:43 AM EST on 24 January 2018: “Keith: We completed the work at Lake Naga and are all back at our camp now.”
“Light snow began falling as we ate lunch at the lake so the weather appears to be changing as predicted in the forecast you forwarded to me.
I guess we will see what happens during the next couple of days but it looks more and more likely that we will see an increase in the snowfall and an uptick in the winds soon (20-25kt, at times gusts up to 40kt on Friday).
We have a flight scheduled on Friday to take us over to Skallen for work at Lake Skallen, but that may be delayed if the weather gets worse. Fortunately, we all have plenty of “homework” to do if we are weathered in for a day or two.