Linking Europa's Plume Activity to Tides, Tectonics, and Liquid Water

Much of the geologic activity preserved on Europa’s icy surface has been attributed to tidal deformation, mainly due to Europa’s eccentric orbit.
Although the surface is geologically young (30 – 80 Myr), there is little information as to whether tidally-driven surface processes are ongoing. However, a recent detection of water vapor near Europa’s south pole suggests that it may be geologically active. Initial observations indicated that Europa’s plume eruptions are time-variable and may be linked to its tidal cycle. Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, which shares many similar traits with Europa, displays tidally-modulated plume eruptions, which bolstered this interpretation.
However, additional observations of Europa at the same time in its orbit failed to yield a plume detection, casting doubt on the tidal control hypothesis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the timing of plume eruptions within the context of Europa’s tidal cycle to determine whether such a link exists and examine the inferred similarities and differences between plume activity on Europa and Enceladus.
Alyssa R. Rhoden, Terry A. Hurford, Lorenz Roth, Kurt Retherford (Submitted on 24 Feb 2015)
Comments: Accepted for publication in Icarus
Subjects: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)
Cite as: arXiv:1502.06854 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:1502.06854v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Submission history From: Alyssa Rhoden [v1] Tue, 24 Feb 2015 16:07:46 GMT (1470kb)