Opportunity at the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Harvard University is launching a research project to study living systems within its Harvard Origins of Life Initiative and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. The work will be done under the direction of Dr. Juan Perez-Mercader, PI for this project, and brings together approaches for modeling life by using a combined transdisciplinary approach involving Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Computer Science and Engineering. We invite applications for a number of Research Associate and Postdoctoral positions in the areas of Origin of Life, Information Theory, Synthetic/Artificial Life, Physics and Chemistry of Out-of-Equilibrium Phenomena and Chemical Engineering.
It is anticipated that the Research Associate positions will be for at least 3 years with continuation contingent upon strong performance. Each of the Postdoctoral positions is awarded for one year with an option to renew for a second year dependent upon strong performance. All positions are available immediately.
Qualified individuals interested in the above fields and with a demonstrated record of work related to:
(1) Experimental and/or Computational Evolution of Chemical Networks,
(2) Chemical Engineering in Microfluidic Environments,
(3) Chemoinformatics and Molecular Design,
(4) Computer Simulation of Partial Differential Equations in Noisy Environments,
(5) Noise Induced Transitions: experimental and theoretical work,
(6) Dynamical Renormalization Group,
(7) Decoupling in Out-of-Equilibrium Systems,
(8) Experimental and Phenomenological Study of Reaction/Diffusion Equations, including instrument development for their chemical/physical characterization,
(9) Experimental Work on Vesicle Formation,
(10) Theoretical Computer Science, including Applications to Digital and Analog Computers,
(11) Information Theory,
(12) Information in Living Systems,
(13) DNA and Soft-Computing,
(14) Experimental/ Theoretical Work on Self-assembly and Thermodynamics of Open Systems
You can apply electronically by emailing a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation and a short (limited to one page) statement of her or his scientific interests to Ms. Ruth Capella [email protected] by Monday January 30, 2012. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until all positions are filled. For additional information you may address your specific questions to the address [email protected].
Harvard University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, strongly encouraging applications from women and minority scientists, and offering competitive compensation and benefits.