NASA Exobiology 2010 Update #4
From: “New, Michael H. (HQ-DG000)
Subject: Exobiology 2010 Update #4
Date: July 22, 2011 5:04:32 AM GMT+08:00
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Toward providing greater stability and certainty in the Astrobiology Program, we are shifting proposal deadlines and funding cycles for some Astrobiology Program elements. Today I am writing to you about the Exobiology Program. Changes to other programs are in the works, and I will update you when we have solid plans in place.
As you know, federal spending is under intense scrutiny. In addition, the timing of the federal budget review and approval process has been less than ideal. These developments have affected our ability to manage Astrobiology Program funds as effectively as we would like. Over the past decade, the proposal due date for the Exobiology Program has moved from June to August, then to September, and, finally, to October. This shift has moved starting dates for new grants later into the federal fiscal year and thus placed greater budget pressure on the Astrobiology Program.
To relieve these pressures, new Exobiology grants need to start near the beginning of the federal fiscal year, ideally in November. To achieve this goal, we need to move the Exobiology proposal due date back to June. To minimize the impact of this change on our community, Michael New and I have decided to make the change in steps.
First, the due date for ROSES-2011 proposals in Exobiology will move up from October 2011 to March 2012. Second, NASA’s ROSES-2012 call will not include a solicitation for Exobiology proposals. Third, Exobiology solicitations will resume in ROSES-2013, with a proposal due date of June 2013.
We are currently in the process of making our selections from the ROSES-2010 solicitation; notifications will be made soon and awards will start early November 2011. We intend to make awards for selected proposals from ROSES-2011 in 2012 and from ROSES-2013 in 2013 and every subsequent year for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for your patience and support,
Mary & Michael
Michael H. New, PhD
Astrobiology Discipline Scientist
Lead Discovery Program Scientist
Planetary Science Division
NASA Headquarters