Frontiers Project at ASU
Building from recently completed and upcoming decadal surveys of emerging research priorities, the Frontier Project will establish research teams in the School of Earth and Space Exploration to take full advantage of federally funded research opportunities. These research teams will be led by newly hired senior faculty members, and typically will include newly hired junior faculty and technical staff as well as postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The operational base for these teams will be a 162,000 sq. ft. research building currently under construction on the ASU Tempe campus and scheduled for occupancy in Spring 2012.
We seek expressions of interest from senior faculty members at other universities or senior scientists and engineers at federal or industry laboratories who may be open to relocating to ASU and establishing a team as part of the project. Inquiries should include:
* A prospectus of the proposed research focus;
* An estimate of the initial size of the proposed research team and, if appropriate, the names and curriculum vitae of potential team members.
* A description of current sponsored funding that could support such research and of emerging funding opportunities;
* An exploration of how the research functions of the team might be integrated into the educational mission of SESE. The School regards graduate, undergraduate, K12, and informal science and engineering education as essential activities.
Letters of inquiry will be kept confidential and can be sent directly to the attention of Professor Kip Hodges, Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration [email protected] . [Source: NAI]