NASA Astrobiology Institute Reminder re Planetary Science Decadal Survey White Papers
Dear astrobiology community member:
I’m writing to remind you, on behalf of Mary Voytek at NASA Headquarters and myself, that several draft white papers on astrobiology topics have been posted for public comment on the Astrobiology Program website at (link in the “Spotlight” box to the upper right).
When finalized later this summer, these white papers will be submitted to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey currently being conducted by the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council. Comments are requested by July 31. Additional papers will be posted as they become available, so please check the site periodically during the rest of July.
Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring that the views of the astrobiology community are well represented in the material submitted to the Survey.
Carl B. Pilcher, Director
NASA Astrobiology Institute
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035